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Why do I need him to say "I love you" so often?

1/ For lack of self-confidence.

The problem:We desperately need reassurance. And we have the illusion that repeated "I love you" will act as a booster... except that not because it always takes more!

The solution:Get out of the fantasy and stop daydreaming by running after an ideal "me". Technique:make a list of your faults, say them, assume them and laugh about them... (Two faults to start, that's already good).

2/ By egocentrism.

The problem:We love each other (a lot). For a bit, we would dream of being our best friend so much we feel good. So logical, we expect him to confirm this with his declarations of love.

The solution:Challenge yourself. Example:talking for more than half an hour to a girlfriend or her boyfriend without saying "I".

3/ For fear of abandonment.

The problem:In general, it goes back to childhood and it's called an emotional deficiency... that we ask the other to fill in adulthood.

The solution:Grow up and accept the idea that the past is over! So live in the present, for example by avoiding calling him 17 times, on evenings when he goes out alone... or by stopping seeing all his girlfriends or acquaintances as potential rivals.

4/ Per repetition.

The problem:As a child, our parents told us over and over again that we were the wonder of wonders and that they loved us more than anything in the world (yes, so said like that and several times a day...). So there's no reason for it to stop!

The solution:Break the parental model. Ask yourself what you really want in love and live it.

5/ By doubt.

The problem:We are no longer very sure of our feelings and we ask him to express them for two. Clearly, we would go elsewhere but we are a barrier with his "I love you".

The solution:Take action. By going somewhere else or/and/then saying "I love you".