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Love or desire? What your eyes say...

Dating:what can we learn from each other's eyes? Apparently a lot. More, in any case, than listening to his words, easily controlled according to intentions (poke the hardened celibate who, supposedly, "seeks to settle down").

We could indeed succeed in evaluating whether our target projects himself into a long-term romantic relationship, either sexual or short-term by… following his gaze!

To reach this conclusion, researchers from the Association for Psychological Science asked male and female participants to look at photos of couples, but also photos of single individuals of the opposite sex. They then had to say quickly, without thinking, which ones inspired them with love or sexual desire. Meanwhile, software tracked their eyes to determine exactly what they were looking at when judging one or the other.

As a result, when participants felt love instead, their eyes focused on faces (both couples and single individuals), paying very little attention to the rest of the body. Conversely, when they felt desire, both men and women focused mainly on the body...

Why is this study important?

By replicating a similar experience, therapists, for example, could more easily determine how members of a couple view each other, the researchers conclude.

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