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Gaga of your dog? Everything is normal !

He may do stupid things, leave hair on our sofa, chew on our most beautiful pair of pumps, there is nothing to do about it, we are COMPLETELY GAGA of this animal full of hair that serves as our dog. In short, for a bit we would doubt our sanity. Besides, everyone doubts it.

But that was before learning that science was coming to the rescue of our madness! A recent Japanese study proves that the love between man and dog is very real and biologically demonstrable! Indeed, when you exchange glances lovingly… it is indeed love that passes between you! The researchers proved that the “love” hormone, oxytocin, was secreted following visual contact between humans and animals. It is exactly the same hormone that comes into play in mother-infant relationships. No wonder we mistake him for our baby!

The craziest thing is that the study also proves that this love is not innate in dogs but that it developed after 30,000 years of domestication. Wolves domesticated from birth, for example, have no hormonal reaction. Suffice to say that it took a lot of love before it became part of the genes of our four-legged friends!

Following this study, doctors plan to involve more dogs with autistic subjects or in cases of post-traumatic stress.