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5 tips to boost your chances of achieving your goals

As we say for the Loto:100% of the winners played. In life, it's the same. So, if a desire or a dream takes your guts, give yourself the chance to see it come true! The potato attitude, it gives wings...and often results - provided you keep your feet on the ground, huh, we're not crazy either. And then if we screw up, at least we won't have any regrets. So put on your superhero capes:let's go my kiki!

1/ We aim for 100% clarity. Think William Tell, Robin Hood or Katniss Everdeen. If you have a bow, arrows and a "mystery" target, concretely, you are a little stuck:you risk aiming a lot off before hitting the right target (if you can). And there, hello damage! This is the reason why when we have an idea / a project / a desire, we first refine our objective to the max, asking ourselves each time "is my project 100% clear? “, a bit like removing leaves from an artichoke to get closer to its heart. If we have doubts, we can talk about it to our loved ones to see if it seems clear to them. If not, we continue to refine!

2/ We organize ourselves. Do you have your target? Ok, now we have to think strategy. Should our action be done quickly or should it be carefully considered? What do I need? Can someone in my circle or in the circle of my circle help me? What superpowers or softskills (that I already have) should I use? Armed with a pen, we answer all possible questions (who, when, how, with whom, why) and we think "Solutions". Then let's go!

3/ We dare. Now, like in the circus, we throw ourselves into the void, we let go of our trapeze to catch the next one. This is the "transition" period (when the project is long) or "overrun" (in all cases). But we are super girls:even if we don't always have great self-confidence, we are ready to jump into the water and do crazy things! Yes, we are girls who rock. Boost tip? Talk to our loved ones about our project to 1/get support 2/make our project more real.

4/ We work. Stop procrastination (at least when it is not useful). Now we are rolling up our sleeves. If you need to go a long way, you can try the Pomodoro method (known as "the tomato method"). If we have something huge to do, we cut our task to face the mammoth. And above all:we listen to our instincts and we make time for ourselves to recharge our batteries (essential to regain energy, keep going and not be overwhelmed). YAAAAAA!

5/ We put on our "Visualization" glasses. It is well known:imagining that you are going to miss an oral presentation is the best way to crash. So why not do the opposite, namely imagine that we are going to be a hit and be mega proud of ourselves? It's called the Coué method, it works and it's easy to do. You have a project ? A date ? A conference ? Want to ask your boss for a raise? So close your eyes and for a few minutes, repeatedly, imagine this moment going great, your pride, recognition, and all the rest. And you'll see:you'll be boosted, very enthusiastic and you'll BUZZ (and then if it doesn't work, at least you'll have given it your all, which is the most important, as coach Jean-Luc Hudry reminds us).

Finally, the most important:6/ we congratulate ourselves (whether we succeeded or not). We deserve it. Champagne! 😀

> To go further:Florence Servan-Schreiber, Power Patate, Marabout, 2014