Not all people who are called antisocial, cold or unsympathetic are necessarily so.
Some people may suffer from a psychiatric disorder called social phobia and in everyday life this disorder causes a lot of inconvenience.
What does a person who suffers from social anxiety feel?
– She constantly worries about what people might think of her
– She thinks a lot about what she is going to say, which causes long pauses in her conversations, muddles in her words. He is also generally a rather quiet and shy person.
– If she has to go to an event where there will be a lot of people, it can cause her nausea and migraines. Sometimes she will have a hard time deciding to leave her home, asking herself a lot of questions about what will happen, the people she will meet, what she will say...
But for people with social phobia, the biggest problem is the appearance they give to others and their difficulty in forming friendships, since their psychological disorder makes these people cold, disinterested and even mean at times.
When such a person is interested in someone, the situation gets worse:he will be very careful about what he is going to say (and in the end will not say much, if anything at all), he cannot hold the gaze of the person in front, which will give the impression that he is disinterested or bored. To hide her anxiety, her only way will be to be distant, which is the complete opposite of what she wants.
For all those who live with this disorder on a daily basis, here are some tips to better manage your anxiety:
1) You have to realize that the majority of people care about what people think of them. This is something normal.
2) Put less pressure on yourself when interacting with others or when you meet someone you like, you will be more relaxed and also more talkative
3) Be sincere and honest with your friends so that they can better understand your attitude. Explain that you may seem quiet and shy at first, but the better you know someone, the more comfortable and talkative you are.