Having had very good memories of his summer camps, my husband suggests that I send our children there for the next vacation. However, I was not particularly keen, because in our entourage, no parent has so far opted for this solution. What's more, the holidays are an opportunity for me to get together with my little family, far from the worries and daily stress. Not to mention that I have never been separated from my children for so long.
I somehow managed to dodge the question during two vacation periods, but in the third year, I finally accepted. It now remains to announce our decision to them. To change the setting of the house a bit, we took them out for a pizza and that's where we told them about our project, for the next vacation.
After some protests, our children agreed to try this year, to my great astonishment. I don't regret giving in at all, because it was one of the best decisions I made for my children.
Their stay in summer camp went well and my children were ready to repeat the experience the following year. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised at the positive influences summer camp had on my children.
First of all, the eldest, a great loner, who spent all his free time in front of the TV or in front of the computer suddenly became more sociable. He even made some friends, including our neighbour's son. He now spends a lot of his time with his friends. He even joined a football club.
The final word ? I encourage you to send your children to summer camp, you will tell me about it!