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Children and the evils of summer

With the beautiful days coming back, we can rejoice in doing all the outdoor activities that we love again, in the company of our family, it is also synonymous with imminent departures on vacation, privileged moments to which we have right only during the summer.

But the prettiest season of the year is also the source of a few little ailments that our little ones can be victims of. Most of the time, these are small sores without real danger, but which can be unpleasant for our children, and generally require some basic care, which you can do by yourself.

We are going to review with you the different scenarios that you will face during the summer period, in terms of small miseries related to the health of your cherubs. Then we will give you some tips for making a medicine kit before you leave, which will undoubtedly be of great use to you.

It is better to protect yourself against possible risks, rather than having to run to the on-call pharmacy to find the medicines you will need. To go on vacation quietly, it is necessary to protect yourself from all unnecessary worries, which you could avoid by simply having the right reflexes before going on vacation. Happy reading!

Unexpected falls

Children and the evils of summer

The first boo, the most common, is the one that occurs in the event of a fall. Your child may fall while having fun, in the swimming pool while sliding, or while carrying out sports activities such as cycling for example.

If this happens, don't panic! First, take the time to make sure that your child is doing well despite the big fear he has just had. He'll probably look a little panicked, but that won't necessarily be indicative of his actual pain.

Falling causes major frights, but it's rarely serious, who hasn't had a great fall during childhood? Of course, if he complains, can no longer move, or shows more serious signs such as vomiting for example, you will need to go to the emergency room quickly to have him examined. But generally, these are only small sores and bumps, which can be the subject of simple care, carried out by you. Be reassuring above all else, that's what counts.

Medicines required:We therefore advise you to bring a disinfectant such as Betadine in your kit. (more info) for example, which does not sting and completely sanitizes wounds . You will also need a bump and bump cream to soothe them. A few cotton balls, compresses, and a bandage, and you're ready.

Small digestive troubles

Even if viral gastroenteritis is generally not as virulent during the summer, your children can still be victims of small digestive problems during the holidays. Stomach ache, nausea, or diarrhea (more info) can then taint some beautiful days that deserve to be lived to the fullest. Nevertheless, there is a whole battery of drugs that can be purchased without a prescription, and which are useful in a medicine kit for the holidays, in order to do without these somewhat disabling inconveniences, and to relieve the words of your little ones. . So remember to bring what you need!

Medicines required:You can easily find anti-diarrheals, anti-spasmodics but also drugs to limit nausea and vomiting. They will therefore have to take place in your pencil case!

Car sickness

Car, boat, plane are not supported by all toddlers. And if most of the time the motion sickness passes with age, the youngest are affected quite frequently. And the warning symptoms of this discomfort range from headaches to vomiting, which are rather unpleasant for children who can then start to fear a little taking the car or any other means of transport that can trigger these ailments.

So do not hesitate to take with you some remedies to avoid this, there are now many drugs to alleviate this disorder, which takes place at the base in the inner ear.

Medicines required:So carry some medicine for motion sickness in your kit, so you can avoid these troubles. Be aware that there are also some homeopathic remedies very effective and without side effects, in order to calm these unpleasant symptoms felt by the youngest when they travel. They will thus be able to leave in a more relaxed way, without fear of feeling bad on the way.

The sunburn

Children and the evils of summer

It is often our old companion in the summer, and sunburn particularly affects children who have fragile skin. Of course, we imagine that you have already thought of taking your sunscreen in your toiletries to overcome this problem.

But it is enough that your child bathes for a little while, to manage to blush slightly from the back or the shoulders. And if the fact of prevention was not enough, you will absolutely have to take with you some products allowing to calm solar erythema . Rest assured, you can find it almost everywhere and without a prescription. This type of cream is therefore an effective solution to avoid the pain associated with sunburn.

Medication required:So remember to take a tube of cream to calm irritation due to burns, such as the famous Biafine for example, an ideal drug to cure this kind of small inconvenience.

Why not order online?

And to make your preparations easier, avoid going to the pharmacy by ordering your summer medication online, and in just a few clicks. This will be possible, for example, through the site, which makes it possible to find all these remedies without a prescription.

Today, physical pharmacies can also sell on the internet, it is completely legal and this site in particular guarantees you a total seriousness, which is rather reassuring. Do not hesitate to opt for this facility, which will allow you to do one less race before leaving!