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Summer holidays with grandpa and grandma

Summer holidays with grandpa and grandma

As the summer holidays approach, the same question always arises:family or romantic stay? This choice concerning the children's holidays necessarily affects those of the parents, and, although we want to be with our other half, the choice is difficult... because we have a hard time letting go of our little ones, right? But luckily there is grandpa and grandma...

This solution tends to be rejected by worried parents, or by the children themselves when they are not particularly close to their grandparents or do not want to leave mum... A stay with grandpa and grandma, after a long year of school, would be the opportunity to be pampered, rest, have fun, in the countryside or at the sea, or simply in another setting than at home or at school. So, holidays with grandparents, hell or paradise?

My heart is swinging

Send your toddlers to their ancestors, to summer camp or enroll them in the summer camp? Some would say that the outdoor center has saved the lives of many parents, especially in the summer. But what do your children prefer? If you ask them the question, they are immediately reluctant to stay without a dad-mom, and choose the community summer center where their friends also go. But, after the first few days, isn't it better to be on vacation with Grandma Cake and Grandpa Bike, who have time to devote to them and are the first to be delighted at the prospect of receiving their grandchildren? ?

What's more, not only is the outdoor center not at all exotic, but it is in direct continuity with the rhythm of school days:getting up early, canteen at noon, but also constant noise and bustle... Casually, it's exhausting, even if they love it. A stay with the grandparents can only do them the greatest good:relaxation, healthy food and finally a real break with the school refrain, which neither rests the body nor the brain!

Grandpa or not grandpa?

Summer holidays with grandpa and grandma

Even the J.T. said it, holidays with grandpa and grandma can only be beneficial for children and are an opportunity for outdoor activities, board games, and to be cocooned as it should be all the time. daytime. The only problem:"urban" grandparents, because not everyone is lucky enough to grow old in a big house with a garden... But if grandpa and grandma are full of love and attention, and still sufficiently form, why object to it? Don't worry that they won't be able to keep your kids busy, even in town there are plenty of things to do with children:parks, swimming pools, museums, rides...

If you are still hesitating, think back to your childhood:you have good memories with your parents, or holidays spent with your own grandparents, so why not entrust them to them? In addition, it is an alternative to summer camps, less expensive and more reassuring for the little ones. So no more excuses, others have taken care of children before you, have confidence.;)