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Dressing baby:fashion and prices for this summer

Summer is almost here, and it's time to go rummaging here and there to find clothes for the little one. And mine grew exponentially in its first 6 months, and I'm going to have to renew the whole wardrobe.

So I did a little tour in the shops, whether virtual or real, to find a nice look for my little one, and as I know that you are many moms to read me, I thought to myself that I was going to share with you my discoveries, with an approximate price range (big or small budget) , so that you can make your own conclusions, and find the perfect brand or site for your own toddler.

Of course, we all know that her baby's style is simply an extension of ours, and depending on the stores I visited during this search for a look for my little one, I found very different outfits. , trends that had nothing to do with each other. Here are the shops I visited , it's up to you to choose the one that will best suit you, but also your baby of course.

For baby surfers

Dressing baby:fashion and prices for this summer

To start my search, I went to Roxy's. So what is this brand and where does it come from? It is actually a brand that is directly attached to Quicksilver, but mainly caters to young ladies of all ages, from the beginning of life to adults.

And as you can imagine, it is of course a streetwear brand, with slightly sporty outfits, quite original, focused on the concept of surfing. I liked this online store because there are quite original models for the little ones and above all a lot of cheerfulness.

Bright colors, fun cuts, it's casual, it absolutely doesn't take itself seriously, and it almost makes us want to give baby his first surfboard at the same time. It's perfect for summer, we love the coordinated prints, on different pieces, to match them.

At the moment they are quite trendy liberty, this small flower pattern that we find on many pieces. However, dressing your little girl at Roxy Baby is not exactly economical, just like big brands in general. Count around fifteen euros for a t-shirt, or around thirty for a small jumpsuit. We pay here for originality and quality!

  • See the Roxy website (baby surfer clothing)
  • Reviews on the shop

The best but at a low price

Dressing baby:fashion and prices for this summer

We don't all have a very large budget to dress our baby for the summer, and everyone has a different purse for that. But the fact of not having a very full purse is not a good reason to let go and not have fun when looking at your child, especially since there are great plans today on the internet, such as the Babystock brand for example.

This shop will delight demanding moms, who do not have a very large sum to invest, and with a few euros, this online store allows you to find adorable little items. Thus, it is not impossible to combine the two, which I think will please those who have to be careful about their budget . There are adorable little marks, originality in shapes and colors, bright colors, ideal for summer.

You can find all types of items there all year round, from swimsuits to winter sweaters, and it would be surprising if you couldn't find what you were looking for! Me, it's the shop that I chose to dress mine, loving fashion, but not having an astronomical sum to take care of the style of my little chick.

I therefore warmly recommend this online store, which you are bound to love. And if you have a slightly larger budget, the advantage is that you can afford more items for the same price...

  • See the Babystock website (cheapest baby clothes)
  • Reviews on the shop

For babies who like to have class

Dressing baby:fashion and prices for this summer

Finally, to finish my little overview of baby clothing brands, I stopped at the Ralph Lauren store. And whether you have a big budget or not, you almost have to crack on all these little models of layette, simply adorable. It's simply high class!

The brand offers the same items for your little ones as for the grown-ups, namely polo shirts with the famous logo, cardigans, jumpsuits also bearing this little distinctive sign. Little girls are also spoiled for choice, with cute dresses, different cuts, very girly jumpsuits, a real pleasure for the eyes.

However, you have to have a large budget, especially since these are not clothes that your baby will be able to keep for a long time, unfortunately, since they grow very quickly at this age. However, it's still worth a look . You will need to have at least around 70€ to afford a single piece of the question, it is true that it is quite colossal...I nevertheless advise you if you like the brand, to offer yourself a single small outfit, just to make you happy, if you have the possibility.

But buying her entire wardrobe here would be madness. Of course, the quality is impeccable and your cherub will have a crazy class, but it must be taken into account that he or she will grow very quickly in the months to come. It would then be a shame to make such a colossal expense, for more than one piece.

  • See the Ralph Lauren website (very chic baby clothes)
  • Reviews on the shop

So that's what my little overview of baby shops gave, and each has its advantages. For me, Babystock won me over , with its nice low prices as well as the quality of the clothes I bought there. It is in any case, I think, one of the best value for money that we can find on the web. So enjoy it ! But I also absolutely love certain pieces from Roxy or Ralph Lauren and I'm going to let myself be tempted... gently.