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Baby Annabell doll, fun for girls and boys!

Baby Annabell, you may already be familiar with her because your son or daughter is the doll parent of this interactive doll. Maybe not. In any case, we are happy to tell you more about Baby Annabell from the perspective of several mothers who let their children (girls and boys) play with the interactive Baby Annabell doll.

Table of contents

Baby Annabell interactive doll, viewed from different perspectives

Update: The soft and lifelike doll from Zapf Creations recently also had a lunch table and during a delicious lunch in the beautiful restaurant Mama Kelly, Eke Brouwer and her son Max were introduced to Baby Annabell, the lunch table and many more fun accessories. Read more below.

More information about Baby Annabell can be found here

Max also likes to play with Baby Annabell

I am not quite at home in the world of dolls. The last time I played with a doll was about 25 years ago. As a mother of two sons, I did give it a try in the beginning with a simple doll and a buggy. The doll soon ended up in a corner and the doll buggy was mainly used to transport as many cars as possible. Preferably at a race pace. Because I'm a bit averse to girls playing with dolls and boys playing with cars (hello gender neutral), I really enjoyed getting to know Baby Annabell. And 5-year-old son Max now also plays with it daily.

It is of course also nice that Baby Annabell is an interactive doll. She likes to drink water from her bottle and moves her mouth when she sucks on her bottle. After drinking she even burps (to the great hilarity of the toddler, by the way). Playing with Annabell is also a lot of fun. If you let her bump on your knee she will laugh, and tickling her tummy will cause a lot of giggles. And sometimes she lets out a bit of wind. She can also cry, of course, with real tears! Fortunately, the comforting goes quite quickly, especially with her dummy. You can see her mouth moving again. When it's time to sleep, you can rock Annabell to sleep. She then yawns, closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Baby Annabell is wearing a romper and hat. In addition, you will also receive a bib, bottle, pacifier and pacifier chain.

Baby Annabell's lunch table

How nice is it if your child can also feed Baby Annabell in addition to her bottle? The lunch table is interactive, just like Annabell † The pink chair has a lamb back and an interactive tabletop † Together with this table top and the spoon, you can discover what Annabell thinks is the best food. You can choose from carrot, pea or pear puree. But rice pudding, pudding or fruit compote can also be offered to Annabell. You can place the bowls on the sheep on the table top.

The lights and sounds then indicate whether Annabell likes the food or not. Annabell also makes herself heard. She murmurs happily when she enjoys her snacks, but can also protest if she doesn't like it. You can give Annabel milk, apple juice or water by turning the bottle.

Besides the fact that Baby Annabell is fun entertainment, I think your son or daughter will really learn from it. You can think of patience and taking care of the doll. It seems to me an ideal gift for a child who will soon - or just - have a brother or sister. It can then go with the parents in the care. It is of course nice that your son or daughter can take care of their own baby instead of their still fragile brother or sister.

Eke is impressed by the fun playing of her boys

I must confess that I am impressed with Annabell, but even more impressed with the fun my five and one year old sons have with this doll. And yes, sometimes I get tired of the sound, but she has a button with which you can turn her off. By the way, it automatically turns off as soon as it is not played with for a while. Saves the shock of your life moment when you are home alone on a dark winter evening.

Daniëlle's daughter became a big sister and can 'practice with Baby Annabell

In a few months, our princess will be a big sister. Quite a change for us as parents, but of course also for her. Nowadays there are all kinds of ways to prepare your child for the arrival of a brother or sister. There are numerous booklets, films and preparation tricks to be found on the internet. I thought it would be useful to let her get used to the word 'baby' and what it means. We recently received this family member; Baby Annabell!

Baby Annabell suddenly turns your baby into a big sister!

Before Baby Annabell was delivered by the courier in a large box, our daughter was not interested in dolls. I was therefore very curious whether Baby Annabell would be liked. When opening the box, the surprise was great when a doll came out. Annabel was looked at extensively, and especially the eyes with long eyelashes were interesting.

Baby Annabell conquers hearts

When it turned out that Annabel could laugh, the ice was broken. Baby Annabell was dragged around the house and after a tour of the house was carefully placed on a large white pillow. Annabel's bottle was immediately pushed into her mouth, especially how quickly our daughter realized the purpose of the bottle. The teat was also carefully (read:roughly) shoved into Annabel's mouth when a crying sound came out. When Annabel kept crying, our princess had had enough. Annabel was thrown to the floor and exchanged for a book. But when it was bedtime a little later, Baby Annabell had to go to bed too. And yes, it was the first night for us in weeks that our daughter slept through the night!

Read also: Does your baby not want to sleep through the night? We have the tip for you!

What can Baby Annabell do?

In addition to the teat and bottle as I described above, Annabel can also pee and cry when you put water in the bottle. This means that the doll has many functions that your child will also see with a 'real' baby. I have noticed that performing certain actions (rocking, kissing and changing the diaper) is very quickly imitated; super cute to see of course.

Tip:You can find this favorite doll for doll mothers here

Will you gently rock Baby Annabell back and forth in your arms or in her crib? Then it doesn't take long before she closes her eyes and falls asleep with contented snores. Once she wakes up, it's time to eat something. When you give this little one her bottle, she moves her mouth and eyes while sucking - just like a real baby! When you tickle Baby Annabell's cheek, she starts to babble happily.

This doll is suitable for children from 3 years.

Baby Annabell is just part of the family!

Annabel now also has her own doll's pram and she is happy to be driven around the house, on the street and with grandma. Now the next step; learn that other children can play with Annabel for a while. I think this will be a good resolution for 2017 😉 .

Read also: 10 statements from a new mother versus an experienced mother

My First Baby Annabell®

Baby Annabell also has a sister of her own, namely My First Baby Annabell. My First Baby Annabell is also wonderful to cuddle with and has some special functions, such as burp and fall asleep when you put her down. She is quiet a bit faster and therefore ideal for children from 2 years. Hold her under her arms in the air above your face and she will laugh happily. This doll comes with a bottle and a cuddly cuddly toy.

Want to know more about this beautiful doll? Check the website.

Baby Annabell giveaway

We can give away another beautiful   Baby Annabell doll. Do you think it is something for your child? Then join our giveaway! Leave a comment in which you indicate why you think your child will be a real doll mother. The giveaway will run until December 20, 2016.

Note:this giveaway has ended. The winner has been notified.