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Kabrita cereal porridge for babies aged 12 months and older

Your baby is getting bigger and stronger, you can see it in everything and you notice it in the food! If your baby was only fed milk (breast or bottle-fed) for the first 4-6 months, then you can slowly start 'experimenting' with other flavors, snacks and structures. And from 12 months, the Kabrita cereal porridge for your baby is also added. At least if you have ever studied the use of goat's milk instead of regular cow's milk. Because otherwise you may not even know Kabrita. But I'd like to tell you more about it.

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Cereal porridge for your baby from 12 months

To start with, I would first like to indicate that it is smart to wait with a cereal porridge with babies until they are 12 months. As a rule, this is because of any gluten. Now Kabrita is gluten-free, but they also recommend that you only give these cereal porridges from 12 months. Then the intestines are well developed and your baby can really enjoy it.

Kabrita cereal porridge for your baby

The Kabrita cereal porridges come in 2 different versions. An organic cereal porridge with goat milk and multigrain and an organic cereal porridge with goat milk and apple &mango. The pastes contain natural ingredients and no dyes or preservatives have been added. In addition, they only contain naturally occurring sugars.

The big advantage of the pastes is that they are very easy to make, because you only have to add water. Ideal, for example, when you go on holiday, but also for a quick snack in between. I used to always use a cereal porridge as a last meal before my baby went to sleep. They slept wonderfully on this and they could carry on all night long.

Our test of the cereal porridges with goat's milk

Even though it's been a while since I was in baby food, I still remember exactly how it all went. Only I had no idea of ​​baby food that was different from the standard. It was only when I first came into contact with Kabrita baby food based on goat's milk instead of cow's milk that I realized that there could also be a solution. If only I had known that sooner! Luc used to react badly to cow's milk. We never had him tested for an allergy, but given the reflux, the enormous amount of colic and his current pure aversion to milk products, I think it's mine. If I had known about baby food based on goat's milk at the time, I would certainly have tried it.

Well, that was then. This is now. And now we are testing the 2 different versions we got of the cereal porridge for your baby. The multigrain flavor and the apple &mango flavor. And I also ask Luc and Lotte to test. Because which flavor do we actually like the best? The multigrain or the apple &mango cereal porridge?

Review Kabrita cereal porridges

All four (Frank also tested with us) we tried both flavors. And while it might feel a little strange to taste a cereal when you're not a baby anymore, we're excited. Divided enthusiastically, yes, but that mainly has to do with the taste. It is namely three to one for the apple &mango variety. We are real fruit lovers 😉 . In addition, you can notice that our children are already used to a lot more than cereal porridges. They don't really like the idea of ​​eating a 'porridge' at all, haha. It's back in time for them. Personally, I think such a cereal porridge really tastes good and I can completely imagine that a baby will be really happy with this. I can still see those mischievous little faces in front of me!

In any case, during testing, we noticed that making a cereal porridge is really a breeze, useful for when your baby is hungry. It is a matter of mixing boiled water with a few tablespoons of the cereal porridge and stirring. No more! We also added a little more Kabrita because we didn't drink from a bottle (duhuh), but really ate the porridge as a porridge, with a spoon. So you can choose whether you give your baby this from the bottle, or rather with a spoon from a plate.

You can find Kabrita's products here and if you subscribe to their newsletter you will also receive a free recipe booklet in your mailbox. This way you can vary nicely with all kinds of new first snacks for your baby, based on baby food from goat's milk of course!

In terms of taste, we liked the apple mango variant best, it tastes a bit sweeter, without anything added. The other variant really does look like a cereal porridge. Also handy... the packages have a nice closing strip so that you can close them properly after use for the next time.

Why goat's milk instead of cow's milk?

If your child has no established cow's milk allergy or lactose intolerance, goat's milk-based formula can be used safely and is a very interesting alternative to cow's milk formula. There are regular mothers who feed back their story to Kabrita. Positive stories from mothers with healthy babies who sometimes suffer from start-up problems with their digestion, without a medical diagnosis, about the use of follow-on milk and toddler milk based on goat's milk protein.

Giveaway to try Kabrita's cereal porridges

Would you like to introduce your baby to these cereal porridges? We are allowed to give away a package with 5 bags of a kind of organic cereal porridge. Let us know which flavor you think your child will like best and maybe it will be on your doormat soon. We would really love to receive a picture of your baby when he/she tries the cereal, ok? We will then add it to this article. We will draw the winner after May 30!