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Sleeping bags, pajamas, and comforters for the arrival of baby

Sleeping bags, pajamas, and comforters for the arrival of baby

If you are already a parent, you have necessarily experienced moments of doubt or questioning about the necessary equipment to have before the arrival of your first child. Moms are generally more comfortable listing the necessary equipment, while future dads sometimes remain staring at the range to buy. Sleeping bag? Not know. Stroller? But why are there so many different models! Umbrella bed? Uh why, we don't need that, baby won't sleep outside anyway... Bottle warmer? Can't use the microwave or heat in a bain-marie? Well, you get the idea. Madame wants to buy everything, Monsieur is lost.

Contents 1 The really necessary equipment for your baby 2 Pleasure purchases for your newborn

Let's try to make sense of things in this article!

Sleeping bags, pajamas, and comforters for the arrival of baby

The really necessary equipment for your baby

To simplify, let's group the necessary effects by theme:

  • Transport:to return from the maternity ward, you will need a stroller and a cozy (which will serve as a baby seat for the car). Prams are superfluous
  • Dodo:a cot for the house, and possibly a cot to sleep outside with friends or elsewhere. But this umbrella bed is not essential, you can use the cozy at the beginning.
  • Meals:bottles if baby is not breastfed. It is a few months later that it will be necessary to add the equipment for the first solid meals, and therefore to buy spoons for babies and bibs, then later all the necessary for meals of adults (high chair, plate, glass in plastic, bib…)
  • Crying:pacifiers and cuddly toys
  • Clothing:depending on the season your child is born, you will need more or less warm clothes, for the day and for the night (sleeping bag necessary). In practice, babies spend a large part of their time warm in their bodysuits and pajamas during the first months. So choose pajamas that are very comfortable and pretty for the souvenir photos! For baby fashion info you can look here

Pleasure shopping for your newborn

We have seen the list of the main purchases really necessary to prepare for the arrival of baby. But it would be a bit sad to stop there, wouldn't it? Among the pleasure purchases for babies, there are clothes, toys and also cuddly toys! It's hard to guess which cuddly toy will be your child's favourite! Will it be a wonderful cuddly toy from Noukies? The Disney comforter? Or the cuddly toy without brand but so cute? You will inevitably have surprises, and perhaps even that baby will not become attached to his comforter. But it's still essential, so it's up to you to choose!

Among the other pleasure purchases for the arrival of baby, there is sometimes a change of car to consider (pleasure purchase for the parents sometimes but not always, because you pass into the category of “parents” with a vehicle that goes with it; ). You could also take the opportunity to equip yourself with an SLR camera, or settle for photos from your phone if the budget is too limited.

In any case, your life will change!