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Tax exemption and tax benefits for the family

Paying less tax is a goal shared by many households. In order to achieve this, you just have to remember to assert your rights when filing your annual income tax return:here are some of them. And don't forget:the total tax benefits cannot lead to a reduction in the amount of tax due of more than 10,000 euros, regardless of the amount of taxable income.

Tax exemption and tax benefits for the family

Betting on the family quotient

To understand how to reduce your taxes by playing on the family quotient, let's first go back to the basics. In the eyes of the state, a dependent is equivalent to a tax share. Declared tax income is divided according to the tax shares of your household. Clearly, the tax reduction is significant if you have several dependents at home. In addition, if you no longer have dependent children and you are widowed, divorced or single, you are entitled to benefit from a half share of the family quotient. However, rules must be observed. You must have lived alone for 5 years and have had a minor child for 5 years. You will learn more about this on, a site specializing in the field of tax exemption and social benefits.


Have you entrusted your children to a daycare centre, a crèche or a leisure centre? Your expenses will allow you to receive a tax credit which corresponds to half of the sums paid for childcare, after deduction of the various aids you have received. The tax credit only takes care costs into consideration. It is not possible to include supplements such as cinema or amusement parks as well as food-related expenses. On the other hand, if you have a childminder and you have compensated her for the purchase of toys, for example, you can include the expenses in the calculation.

Tuition fees

A flat-rate tax reduction is granted to parents with children attending school. The extent of this drop depends on the level of schooling:middle school, high school or higher education. Thus, for the taxation of income in 2017, it was 61 euros for the first case, 153 euros for the second case and 183 euros for the last case. To take advantage of this flat-rate tax reduction, you must mention the number of children attending school in the tax return.

The case of retirement

In addition to the children, as an active worker, you benefit from exemption on your allowances when you retire or take early retirement. On the other hand, you will not be able to benefit from this tax advantage if your departure is voluntary. It should also be noted that only the amount of the conventional or legal indemnity can be exempted.

Having an employee at home

Nursing, childcare, cook, life assistant, cleaning lady, gardener… employing these employees at home entitles you to a tax reduction. This reduction is equivalent to half of the employer's expenses, after deduction of aid granted by the State or private bodies. The tax reduction is available within the limit of 12,000 euros with an increase of 1,500 euros per dependent child or 20,000 euros if the taxpayer has a disabled dependent or is himself disabled.