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Breast cancer:what role for the family?

Breast cancer:what role for the family?

Let's take advantage of the "October Rose" operation and at least the marshmallow "Cancer Rose" to focus on breast cancer, and more particularly, the essential role that the entourage can play, including the family, for the woman who is suffering from this cancer.

The spouse, an essential ally

Of course, the husband or partner will be the first informed of the diagnosis, in general. After the shock of the news, the man will pay more attention to his wife:as they say, it "strengthens the bonds", but above all, in general, he will free up time from his schedule and be more present for participate more in daily tasks. He also needs a good dose of psychology because he will also have to be there to cheer up his partner, support her in the most difficult moments of treatment, for example, and listen to her.

The sexual life of the couple is often also upset:the spouse must play down to avoid any guilt of his wife. Other forms of complicity are to be invented and discovered during this period.

The children, involved but...

Of course the children must be informed of their mother's illness, however if they will probably spontaneously help out more with the household chores, and show themselves to be more present alongside their mother, it is not necessary that they feel more "responsible" for their mother than their situation as a child gives them. Children tend to dramatize the disease, at the risk of experiencing periods of anxiety that disrupt their studies. The fear of death, the fear of being harmed in turn for girls are so many fears that poison the daily lives of children and teenagers.

It can be very useful to consult a professional psychologist so that they can talk about cancer and their mother's illness, which upsets the family balance.

Friends, a precious entourage

Breast cancer:what role for the family?

Friends in the first circle are generally very quickly informed, they will be precious allies to discuss, be comforted, but also to clear their minds and have a good time "between girls" as before! It is essential that social life continues with as much intensity as before.

Admittedly, cancer is scary, but it may encourage some friends to go get tested.

And then, with the Internet, today, you will also find forums on which to exchange between women who have experienced breast cancer.

It should be remembered that breast cancer, the most widespread of female cancers, the earlier it is diagnosed, the better it can be treated. Since 2004, in France, screening has become widespread for women aged 50 to 74 who are invited to perform a mammogram and a clinical breast examination every two years, reimbursed by Social Security at 100%. It is curious, moreover, because the effectiveness of this screening is not necessarily proven according to the National Cancer Institute and the High Authority for Health... If you notice abnormalities on your breasts, it is better to consult when even!