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Foster family for the elderly:operation, guarantees, remuneration

Foster family for the elderly:operation, guarantees, remuneration

An elderly person who no longer wishes or can no longer live alone at home can choose to be accommodated in the home of a host family rather than integrating an accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) by example. The family carer who thus receives an elderly person (or an elderly couple) under his roof for a temporary or permanent period must be approved by the services of the department and he is remunerated in return for the services he provides to the elderly person. .

Being a foster family for the elderly:a mandatory approval

Becoming a foster family for the elderly requires certain conditions to be met, including in particular the fact of holding an authorization issued by the services of the department of the place of residence. The elderly person cared for must not be related to the family carer and must still be able-bodied, i.e. not show an advanced loss of autonomy and not need medical or other care. permanent.

Accreditation as a foster family for the elderly

Several conditions are required for a foster family for the elderly to receive the compulsory approval issued by the services of their department. The latter is granted for a period of 5 years, renewable.

It should be noted that the reception of an elderly person at home benefits from a trial period and a period which cannot be less than 2 months to end this reception.

First, there are housing conditions. The latter must indeed present all the guarantees to be able to welcome the elderly in complete safety and ensure their health and their physical and moral well-being. This is why the home of a host family must meet all the criteria of housing considered decent (in good condition, sufficient size, healthy environment, etc.), and it must have all the necessary amenities. at the reception of an elderly person.

Thus, the host family must in particular provide a room of at least 9 m 2 for an elderly person alone, or over 16 m 2 for a couple, with direct access to the outside of the house. On the other hand, the room must be located near a bathroom and toilet.

Then, to obtain its approval, a foster family for the elderly must undertake to provide its residents with services on a continuous basis, and therefore, for example, be able to offer replacement solutions during their absences, in particular during their holidays.

In the same way, a host family undertakes to allow free access to its home to outsiders to ensure the social and medico-social monitoring of the elderly people it welcomes.

Finally, the services of the departments which issue approvals to foster families for the elderly require that they undergo initial training, and throughout the duration of their authorization, as well as an introduction to first aid gestures.

The host family contract

When an elderly person arrives in a foster family, they sign a foster contract with them. As specified in the Code of Social Action and Families, this contract sets the material, human and financial conditions of the reception, and it must be accompanied by the charter of rights and freedoms of the person received.

This reception contract stipulates, among other things, the terms governing the duration of the reception of an elderly person, those concerning the termination of this contract, the material obligations of the host family, their rights and obligations, the remuneration of the family host, their rights to annual leave, or the obligation for the host and the host to take out insurance.

Control of host families

Host families for the elderly are subject to control by the president of the county council and its authorized services throughout the duration of their approval in order to verify that all the conditions required to be approved are still met. fulfilled.

Otherwise, these services give formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the host family to remedy their shortcomings. She has 3 months to do so if she wants to be able to keep her certification.

The remuneration of the foster family for the elderly

Foster care is a salaried activity remunerated in return for the accommodation offered, food, care, cleaning, shopping and activities for the elderly person being cared for.

The elderly person in foster care is in fact the employer of the host family. Every month, she pays him a salary which is made up of remuneration for services rendered (25.38 euros gross per day), paid leave allowance (10% of remuneration for services rendered), a maintenance and accommodation allowance (between 7.30 euros and 18.25 euros depending on the reception conditions provided) and an allowance called "for particular constraints" when the level of dependence of the elderly person requires a presence reinforced (between 3.76 euros and 14.82 euros).

As an employer, an elderly person in a foster family is also subject to the payment of social security contributions. To facilitate its procedures, it has the option of using the universal service employment check (CESU) which processes the declarations, calculates the contributions, and takes care of the monthly deduction of the contributions from the bank account of the person received, while such as payment of salary to the host family.