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What are the compulsory insurances for a family?

With the plurality of insurance products on the market, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between compulsory and optional insurance. These few pieces of information can help you better distinguish between them to reduce your insurance costs and save money.

What are the compulsory insurances for a family?

Home insurance

Whether you occupy your home as an owner or tenant, you must take out home insurance. In the case of the lessor, he is not subject to this obligation. However, he must take out third-party housing insurance to protect him in the event of a claim causing damage to others. Before signing a contract, you must check whether the movable property is included in the main guarantees. If they are excluded, do not hesitate to take out additional guarantees to cover your property.

Motor vehicle insurance

The majority of families in France have at least one vehicle. Whether you drive a car, motorcycle or boat, you need to have motor vehicle insurance. Civil liability is the only compulsory guarantee. It obliges the insurer to cover part or all of the damage caused to others by your vehicle. Depending on the circumstances, you can take out partial or full insurance to supplement the mandatory cover. Many sites offer insurance simulators for individuals. You can take advantage of this to get an idea of ​​the cost of car or home insurance.

Optional but unavoidable insurance

Even if the State does not oblige you to take out these few types of insurance, they are still essential to guarantee better protection for your family.

Health mutual

Social security coverage is not necessarily enough to cover your medical expenses. You must take out mutual health insurance as a supplement. With this health insurance, you have the possibility of personalizing your guarantees. Before signing a contract, you should study your main needs and take out the corresponding guarantees. It will also prevent you from taking out unnecessary guarantees which will only increase the cost of your insurance.

Life insurance and funeral insurance

One of the favorite investments of the French, life insurance allows you to build up savings for your family and facilitate the transmission of your assets. The tax advantages are not left out. You can also relieve your loved ones by anticipating the organization of your funeral. Thanks to this guarantee, you will avoid embarrassing your family when you die. The average age of funeral insurance policyholders is between 50 and 60 years old.

Accident insurance for driver and occupants

As part of auto liability insurance, the driver and occupants of the vehicle are excluded from the guarantee. This is the point of taking out accident insurance. This can, for example, cover medical and hospitalization costs, loss of income relating to sick leave and the death of the insured. However, this type of insurance provides for exclusion cases. The guarantees are not applicable if the driver is under the influence of alcohol, does not have a driving license or commits serious faults.