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What insurance to protect your family?

No one is safe in everyday life from a domestic accident, damage caused by a third party, etc. Taking out insurance to protect your family, and in particular your children, against many risks is essential. Even more when a death occurs. Many insurance contracts offer guarantees intended to protect loved ones from a financial, but also material point of view. Some insurances are essential, others optional.

What insurance to protect your family?

Preferred insurance

Multi-risk home insurance

If multi-risk home insurance must be taken out by tenants and co-owners of a building, owners are not subject to it. However, they have every interest in taking out such insurance. Basically intended to cover housing-related risks, this insurance allows you to cover your family against various dangers.

In particular because multi-risk home insurance must include “civil liability (RC)” cover. Civil liability legally obliges to repair bodily, material and immaterial damage caused to others and to compensate the victim. Thus, this guarantee mitigates the financial consequences caused by such damage. It covers damages caused by the policyholder but also those caused by their minor children at home, in the street, on vacation, during leisure activities, etc. The civil liability guarantee also covers all persons residing in the home of the subscriber of the insurance contract such as adult children for example and when the children of the holder of the insurance are entrusted to relatives, parents or friends.

The life accident guarantee

The life accident guarantee (GAV) goes further than the civil liability included in the multi-risk home insurance. It covers the entire family of the policyholder and allows compensation if the person causing the damage is not identified or if the perpetrator is the holder of the insurance contract himself. The accident of life guarantee covers domestic, medical, leisure-related accidents, assaults or even natural disasters.

The GAV can give rise to the payment of health expenses not reimbursed by social security and mutual insurance, to the financing of school support for a sick or injured child, to the assistance of a third person, etc., when the damage results in the death of the insured or incapacity at least equal to 30%.

Life insurance

The purpose of life insurance is to save throughout one's life by paying premiums. The funds thus accumulated are increased by interest, the rate of which is set by the life insurance contract taken out. On the death of the insured, the capital saved (or an annuity) is paid to one or more beneficiaries designated by the insured during his lifetime, who may be family members (spouse, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, children , etc.) or not.

Death insurance

Life insurance helps ensure the financial future of your family. On the death of the insured and before the end of the contract, it entails the payment of a lump sum or an annuity to a beneficiary designated by the insured. This capital is intended in particular for the family to help them overcome the financial difficulties that may arise after the death of a loved one. We then speak of "whole life insurance", because this type of insurance can also take the form of so-called "term" insurance, i.e. the contract ends before the death of the assured. This last formula is most often used to repay a loan or to finance the education of children.

Additional insurance

Funeral insurance

In order to relieve his family of painful and expensive procedures at the time of his death, funeral insurance makes it possible to anticipate the financing of his funeral and, for some constrained, to even plan their organization. This insurance contract provides, on the death of the insured, to pay a capital determined by the latter to a beneficiary (a relative or a funeral director) whom he has designated and who will be responsible for financing with the funeral of the insured. More info on this subject on Le guide du Senior.

School insurance

Protecting your family also and above all means protecting your children, especially when they are in school. School insurance covers them against risks at school but also during extra-curricular activities, on the way home-school, during stays abroad, etc.