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How to Save on your Childcare Budget?

How to Save on your Childcare Budget?

The childcare budget occupies an important place in family expenses :here are some ways to save when you have childcare.

Childcare is a necessity for working parents , and some methods are more expensive than others. There are also helps to relieve families a little in certain cases. My top tips for saving on childcare!

3 Modes of Economic Guarding

1. When Grandma Babysits :this mode of care has the big advantage of being free but it needs to be well managed so that everything goes well. It represents in any case a huge saving, since even with the aid of the CAF a nanny costs about 3000 € per year.

2. The au pair :less expensive than a nanny, she also has the advantage of looking after your children at home, with a maximum of 30 hours per week, and she is almost part of the family. She does not receive a salary but is fed and housed and receives around €250 pocket money per month.

3. The shared nanny :sharing your nanny with another family allows real savings, since if the time and the number of children are equivalent for each family, it comes down to paying 50% less childcare costs and social charges. A solution to remember.

Helps for Every Situation

- Deduct from your taxes childcare costs:we explain to you how to deduct from your taxes the costs of childcare for your children under 6 years old, in a crèche, with a childminder or in a daycare center and leisure centre.

- The PAJE :in case of care at home, in a crèche or with a childminder. This aid starts at the birth of the child and is paid until the child is 6 years old.

- CLCA :in case of stoppage of professional activity to take care of your child yourself, or change to a part-time activity.

- AGEPI :if you are single parents. This aid is intended for job seekers who are resuming an activity or training.

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