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10 Tips to save money in your daily life

For some people, a month is a very long time, especially because the money runs out earlier and there is always a bit of month left over. With these 10 tips to save money in your daily life, you will have money left over instead of a part of the month.

Why save money?

There are countless reasons why you should save money. Unfortunately, not everyone sees the usefulness of saving and saving. Still, it's good to have at least a small amount on hand for unexpected things in life. According to Nibud, you can use the buffer calculator to calculate exactly how much you should have in reserve for unforeseen circumstances.

But of course it's always good to have more on hand. In addition to unexpected expenses, you may want to have money to do fun things, treat yourself or save for a house or, for example, a nice car.

10 Tips to save money in your daily life

Unfortunately, life costs money. It is almost impossible to live self-sufficiently in the Netherlands, which would allow you to save money optimally. Yet there are still plenty of opportunities to save in your daily life. It is often a few euros, but all those small amounts eventually add up to a large amount if you look at it over a whole year.

With the tips below you can thoroughly examine your spending per day and adjust it where necessary in order to save money.

1. Keep a cash book

It may sound old-fashioned, but to gain insight into your expenses and income, it is important to keep track of all of this. You can do this in a real notebook or you can keep track of it all online. It is important that you really write down all expenses, so even if you went to the Action to buy unnecessary knick-knacks.

Once you have insight into what you spend and what you come in, it is easier to see what you spend (unnecessarily) on. That is the first step to save money in your daily life.

2. Save on daily shopping

Groceries are becoming more and more expensive and shopping in Germany is not always possible. Yet you can also save on this if you know how or what. To start with, it is good if you work with a weekly menu. This creates an overview and everyone in the family knows what is being eaten on which day. Also very nice if you have teenagers! You adjust the choice of dishes to the season and the offers that apply this week. That way you won't be short of anything and you keep costs limited.

Of course there are more tips to save on your daily shopping. In this overview you will find 21 tips to save on your (daily) groceries.

3. Distinguish between what is needed and what you want

You don't actually need everything you want and vice versa, of course. It is important to be busy with your finances to see whether you spend money on things that you need or only want at that moment. If you are short on cash, it is not wise to buy that large 42-inch TV, because your old TV is broken. It is better to look for a cheap second-hand model, which is just as good and save money that way.

4. Don't buy anything you can't afford immediately

It all sounds so tempting:you buy something and pay with Afterpay. Or pay easily with a credit card, because at the moment you actually have no money to buy what you have in mind. Or you opt for lease, simply because it seems so attractive. However, to save money you should make the following rule of thumb:don't buy anything you can't afford right away.

In the end, the bill for everything you buy will arrive sooner or later. You can postpone it, but you will have to pay. In the worst case, additional costs will also be added! Therefore:only buy what you can afford at the moment. This is the money you have and you have to make do with it!

5. Saving money

Although saving money hardly yields anything anymore, because of the interest you should still save a certain amount every day, week or month. According to Nibud, you prefer to keep 10% of your income. But small things also help:set aside everything you get for your returnable bottles. Round the amount on your account to whole amounts after each time shopping and transfer the cents after the decimal point to a piggy bank.

Not only motivating for children, but also for yourself:work with cash and put certain coins in a physical piggy bank.

6. Spending money on periodic things

You can't get out of it, but sometimes you just have to spend money. Think, for example, of gifts for a birthday, Sinterklaas or Christmas or, for example, a holiday or outings with the children. However, you can also save a lot on this. For example, by buying gifts all year round (taking into account the sales calendar!) and not only after the summer holidays when prices in the shops pick up with a view to the coming holidays.

Reading tip:low budget gift tips for every occasion

7. Downgrade your costs for certain services

Sometimes you have costs that you pay little or no attention to, because it is so easy and once you have arranged it. However, it can save you quite a bit if you regularly review your costs. Think of the costs of your mobile subscription, costs for internet and TV connection, but also other costs, including costs for services that you may not use much or not at all.

For example, do you have multiple streaming services? Then see which you watch the most and which you watch the least. That way you can reduce your monthly expenses a bit.

8. Saving costs on energy consumption

Unfortunately, the costs for gas, electricity, water and electricity are increasing every year. And it is expected that these costs will only increase further. So it's time to look at your own energy costs to see how and where you can save even more. In any case, it pays to regularly reconsider your energy supplier. Switching is often a lot cheaper, even if you have to pay a so-called fine.

In addition, there are plenty of ways to save on energy costs themselves. Think of pulling out the plugs of devices that you are not using. Ventilating well in winter to make it easier to heat the air in your house and insulating your house also helps to reduce energy costs.

Reading tip:25 Tips to save on energy costs

9. Save and still enjoy

Saving and enjoying can perfectly go hand in hand with each other. As long as you know how to save. This can be done, for example, by scoring trips to an amusement park with a discount. That can be done in different ways. Save with supermarket promotions or purchase tickets through auctions.

Do you like to enjoy yourself every now and then in the form of ordering food or going out for dinner? You can also save a lot of money there, for example by choosing Social Deal, the Last Table or Groupon.

Keep this all within limits! Because ordering a pizza every week for 10 euros means spending 520 euros annually on food that you could have saved better.

10. Save on insurance

A cost item that is often forgotten:once you have taken out an insurance policy and you do not want to think about it further. Nevertheless, it is useful not only to review your health insurance every year and make the switch, that also applies to all other insurance policies. Especially for things like a car, household effects and house, this can quickly lead to a saving of several tens of euros.