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25 Tips to save energy

Energy prices rise every year. Fortunately, you can reduce the cost of this by applying my 25 tips for saving energy from today. And yes, with these tips you can easily save hundreds of euros per year.

When is the most energy used?

Most energy is used on weekdays between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM. Logical, because then everyone is at home, there is dinner, the dishes are done, children have to get ready for bed. Many people sit in front of the TV around this time to relax. This means that in this time frame most appliances in the house are being used, a lot of light is on, etc.

How many appliances does an average household have?

An average four-person household uses an average of 13 devices (including TV, laptops, etc.). In some cases, all devices are used at the same time or almost simultaneously. If this is compared with 1990, we see a big difference:then households had on average only four devices.

Despite the big difference, the energy consumption has remained the same. That means that the 13 devices we have at home today are fairly energy-efficient. This is also noticeable in the many appliances that have an energy label A or even A+. But here too there is a lot of profit to be made and savings to be made to reduce consumption even more.

Saving energy is not that difficult

If you look at the tips below to save energy, you will soon see that it is not that difficult. In many cases it is a matter of getting used to or switching. In addition, it is also important to find out where your energy is coming from. Some energy suppliers are cheaper than others. And searching can really save you hundreds of euros per year. A comparison is therefore recommended. Even if you are looking for a combination of cheap energy and green electricity and gas. I therefore recommend that you sit down for an afternoon to compare all providers.

25 Tips to save energy

You can of course save a lot more by leaving, applying or changing various things at home. Some energy saving tips require a certain investment, other energy savings are mainly a matter of learning new habits. You don't have to apply all the tips, but each tip will save you a few euros in energy anyway.

1. Turn standby devices off completely

Devices such as the TV, a laptop or even a washing machine do not have to remain on standby. Some appliances cannot be switched off, even when they are on standby (think of the dishwasher, because the plug is hidden in the back of the kitchen cabinet), but for many appliances you can simply remove them from the socket. Are you not using the laptop or is it charged? Then remove the plug from the socket.

2. Turn off the light

This tip does not apply to all lamps:in some cases it is more economical to leave the light on (fluorescent lighting). Or even better:opt for cheap LED lighting in all areas of your house. However, for all other lighting, turn it off when you leave the room. Do not leave unnecessary lights on when no one is in the room.

3. Reducing heat in the house

Is it very hot in the summer and do you want to save on energy? Then make sure you don't need the air conditioning or the fan. Then you can easily close the curtains, open everything against each other or lower the temperature in the room by placing bins of ice that slowly melt. You can find more tips about sleeping in the heat and saving energy at the same time on my blog.

4. Wash clothes at a cold temperature

That is a double budget tip:you not only save on energy costs, it is also better for your clothes. The higher the temperature, the more energy you use. Therefore wash the clothes at the lowest possible temperature.

5. Use a timer in the shower

A tip that is especially helpful for parents with teenagers:set a timer before taking a shower. Let your child stand in the shower for a maximum of 10 minutes. For teenagers, time is often a vague concept, especially when they take a shower. Before you know it they are half an hour further and all that time hot water is being used.

6. Use a water-saving shower head

Not only a timer can help, so can installing a water-saving shower head. You don't really notice it, but the shower head ensures that you quickly use a lot of liters of water less per shower.

7. Turn off the tap

Whether you're doing the dishes, brushing your teeth or soaping up in the shower:turn off the tap. Leaving the tap open while brushing your teeth, scrubbing the pan or soaping will result in unnecessary waste of water and money.

8. Teach children early on to save energy

I have taught my kids from a very young age to unplug all appliances that are not being used. The light should never be left on unnecessarily. And learned young is done old certainly applies:I have not had to say anything for years, the children themselves pay attention to the consumption of energy.

9. Install a smart thermostat

By installing a smart thermostat you can gain insight into the use of energy. You can then adjust the consumption. You can also control these thermostats remotely. Makes a difference if you forgot to turn the thermostat down.

10. Turn the thermostat down a degree

Of course, the temperature in the house should be pleasant. However, it can be useful to turn the thermostat down a degree. That can lead to energy savings. Lower the thermostat and put on an extra vest. Or go on the couch with a blanket (which can also be extra cozy).

11. Buy energy-efficient appliances

I mentioned it at the beginning:we have more appliances, but have the same energy consumption as in 1990. Fortunately, more and more energy-efficient appliances are coming onto the market. When purchasing a new appliance, always try to go for the most energy-efficient product.

12. Install a new central heating boiler

This tip requires a considerable investment, after all, a central heating boiler is not cheap. Nevertheless, in the long term this can result in considerable savings that can quickly amount to several hundred euros.

13. Invest in double glazing

Not all houses have double glazing yet. However, double or even triple glazing can make a big difference. The glass provides more insulation, so that the central heating system has to run less hard. This increases the general well-being at home. It's an investment, but it pays off in the long run. In addition, this also increases the value of your home.

14. Easy to insulate single glass

Do you currently have no money to purchase double glazing? You can also insulate the windows by sticking bubble wrap on them. This keeps the cold out, but allows sunlight to come in through the window.

15. Aluminum foil behind radiator

By placing aluminum foil or special radiator foil behind the heating, the heat is reflected and is not lost through the window or the wall behind it. This can result in considerable savings in heating costs.

16. Placing draft strips

A lot of heat is lost through cracks under doors. Make sure you provide doors with draft strips or draft strips. Certainly the door to the hallway towards the front door must be provided with a draft strip.

17. Forget the dryer

A dryer is a handy tool, but unfortunately also consumes energy. So hang the laundry up to dry as much as possible. The most ideal place is outside, where wind and sun ensure that the laundry dries quickly. You can also hang laundry outside in winter without any problems.

18. Use lids while cooking

It won't save you a lot, but every little bit helps. Cover the pans while cooking. As a result, less heat is lost and water will boil faster, for example. You don't have to cook rice for 15 minutes. Put water on, as soon as the water boils add a measured amount of rice. Let it boil again while stirring, after 1 minute turn off the gas. Put the lid on the pan and place a towel or tea towel over the pan. The hot steam will cook the rice without using any gas.

19. Cook outside

Purchase a barbecue and cook outside as often as possible. A barbecue is a one-time purchase, some charcoal is added and you can cook for as long as you want. And make no mistake:you can prepare more than just meat on a barbecue.

20. Windows open

Whether it's the middle of summer or the middle of winter:open the windows for at least 10 minutes every day. In the summer you create cooling and in the winter clean, cold air is supplied and heated more easily. Not only good for your wallet, but also for your health. That also applies to the window in the bathroom if you have this. Open the window after showering or bathing, instead of using the electric extractor.

21. Limit the use of all kinds of electrical products

Let your hair air dry instead of using the blow dryer. Put curlers in your hair instead of an electric curler. Leave the laptop off and read a book or play a game with the kids. Cut vegetables by hand instead of using a food processor. These are all small things that can eventually add up and contribute to a higher energy bill.

22. Use rainwater

Do you have many plants in your house or garden? Then make sure you have 1 or 2 rain barrels in the garden in which you collect rainwater. That water is not only better for the plants, it also saves on water consumption.

23. Thaw meat in the refrigerator

This won't save you a lot of money either, but if you don't honor the small things… Let the meat thaw in the refrigerator. The cold that comes off provides extra cooling, so that the refrigerator consumes less energy.

24. Leave the oven closed

Do you use the oven? Resist the temptation to open the door every time and look inside. Every time the door is opened, the temperature drops a few degrees, so that more energy has to be used to bring the oven up to temperature again.

25. Do not charge your phone overnight

A phone only needs a few hours to fully charge. Charging the phone at night uses unnecessary energy.

The cost of energy

Are you curious what the actual costs of energy are? Whether or not you are doing well with your energy consumption? Then take a look at the Nibud site. Here you will find all figures about the average energy consumption per household.

Do you have any additional tips for saving energy? I'm curious.