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21 Tips to save on groceries

We all notice:despite the fact that the supermarkets did well during the Corona crisis, the prices of almost all products have risen (hard). With these tips to save on groceries you can still buy your daily fare cheaply.

21 Tips to save on groceries

There are plenty of ways to save on (daily) groceries. Below you will find a list of what I personally find to be the most convenient ways to save.

1. Budget for groceries

The first tip to save on groceries is to determine a budget that you want to spend on groceries per week. The budget depends on a number of factors:

  • How much space do you have to spend?
  • For how many people do you need to get groceries?
  • Is the available budget only for food or also for personal care products, diapers, stimulants, etc.

Once you have established your budget, it is important not to exceed it. You can avoid this by having cash in your pocket. Is it finished? Then you have to wait a week. What also helps is using an app with piggy banks, so that you see exactly what you can spend. You make this per week about what the available budget is. That way you can pay with your bank card or telephone and you don't have any cash in your pocket.

On the Nibud website you can read what the average costs are for food and drinks per person, depending on the age. Please note that this is only an indication. You alone decide what your budget is. No one can look in your wallet. In addition, this is an average. From the program 'Stone rich, penniless' you can conclude that there are many families who have to get by on less than 100 euros a week.

2. Shopping:compare or choose 1 supermarket

Many people compare the brochure offers and then go to different supermarkets for this. That seems very advantageous, but in most cases it is the opposite. The time it takes you to go from one supermarket to another should not be underestimated. It often only saves a few cents and not whole euros. If you have to travel by car, the costs for petrol and wear and tear on your car will also be added.

So is it better to never compare again? No definitely not! In some cases this is certainly advisable. Especially if there are several supermarkets together in a shopping center. Then it is a small effort to compare everything.

3. Choose your own brand

Supermarkets are cleverly designed:A-brands are always at eye level, while cheaper brands and private labels are at the top or bottom. You don't have to worry about quality:private labels also have to meet strict requirements. Often it is only the packaging that looks a bit sober, but there is no difference with the product itself. And let's face it:you end up throwing the packaging away anyway…

4. Make a weekly menu

Many people walk to the supermarket every day and decide shortly before or on the spot what they are going to cook. Do you really want to save? Then put together a weekly menu, whether or not based on the offers from your supermarket. A weekly menu is also ideal for families. No more children or teenagers who ask what the pot is for.

5. Shop weekly

Shopping every day results in more spending in most cases. If you want to save money, it's best to do your shopping once a week. To avoid impulsive purchases, it is best to work with a weekly menu.

6. Large groceries:1x per month

I do big errands about once a month. That means that I spend a lot more once a month than in the rest of the month. I then buy certain products such as long-life milk, pasta, rice, meat, etc. in bulk. That saves on interim visits to the supermarket.

7. Shop with a shopping list

There is nothing more annoying and bad for your wallet than walking into the store without a shopping list. Chances are you will be distracted and take more than you need. Or worse:you forget the things you really needed. With a shopping list, the chance is smaller that you act impulsively.

8. Shopping on a full stomach

It is not a good idea to go into the store on an empty stomach. Are you hungry? Or pull? Then make sure you have eaten something first. Shopping on an empty stomach means reaching for snacks and other things you may not have a budget for.

9. Shopping without children

If at all possible:go shopping without your child. If you're shopping with kids, chances are you'll make extra purchases that you don't really have room for. If you do bring your child:make sure your child is not tired (avoid whining and ask for something extra). Make sure your child is not hungry or hungry just like you. And provide distraction if your child does see something they would like to have. You can of course also make appointments in advance if there is room for your child to pick out something tasty for a certain amount.

10. Make tasty things yourself

A bag of chips is very tasty, but for that amount you can buy a lot of potatoes and make your own chips. Baking cookies yourself is not only fun, but also costs a lot less. Plus, it's a lot healthier. And that goes for so many things. Just make it yourself and enjoy it twice.

11. Be creative in the kitchen

Why should you always follow a recipe? Sometimes you don't have certain things at home and other things you do. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and use the things you do have in stock first. This also prevents waste. This is not just a saving tip:often very tasty things arise if you dare to cook out of the box.

12. Go to the market

It is well known that the market is a lot cheaper than the supermarket. This applies not only to fruit and vegetables, but sometimes also to cheese and meat. Don't go when the market opens, but more at the end of the day. Many market peddlers discount their wares at the end of the day. Then go ahead and buy what you need (or more) and freeze.

13. Save money in the toko, foreign supermarkets and Turkish butchers

Many people go to the large supermarkets such as AH, Lidl, Jumbo and Spar. But did you know that the toko and foreign ones are often a lot cheaper? You don't have to worry about the quality. The toko, foreign supermarkets and the Turkish butcher must also comply with all kinds of laws and requirements.

14. Do your shopping in Germany

It is generally known that groceries in Germany are a lot cheaper. Especially now that the VAT has been temporarily reduced. In addition to groceries, care products and even clothing are a lot cheaper in Germany. Do you have the opportunity? Then go do some big shopping in Germany once in a while. You don't have to leave it for the petrol:it is on average 20 cents per liter cheaper than in the Netherlands.

15. Take advantage of discounts

Every supermarket has its own system to discount food that is approaching the date. Lidl stunts with very low prices, where you can buy products for 0.25 and 0.50. Aldi takes 30% off the price and AH 35%. There is no set policy at the Jumbo:there the products are discounted at their discretion (at least, that is my experience).

16. Participate in supermarket savings programs

Every bit helps. Many supermarkets have some form of savings. At Lidl you can get a discount on certain products. Jumbo awards points on every purchase and you can exchange those points for a discount on your groceries. Do you drink Perla coffee from the AH like me? There are points on it that you can stick in a special booklet. A full booklet provides a 2.00 euro discount for your shopping.

17. Save money with the Too Good To Go app

Originally, the Too Good To Go app was designed to reduce food waste. However, you can also save money on your groceries. More and more supermarkets are participating in this. With the app you buy a mystery bag or mystery box for a certain amount. You pick it up at the end of the day. This includes products with the date of the same or the next day. By the way, you don't have to worry:you can freeze many products just fine and therefore use them for much longer.

18. Make use of your freezer

Is there a nice offer? Then buy in bulk if you can. You can freeze not only meat and cold cuts, but also vegetables, fruit, bread, pastries and much more. So do you see a special offer? Is a day much discounted? Grab your chance and fill your freezer.

19. Do not buy bags and packages

It is naturally very easy to cook with sachets and packets. However, that is a significant burden on your grocery budget. Moreover, bags and packets are full of flavourings, colorings and all kinds of additives that you do not need at all. Do you want to save money? Skip the packs and bags and invest in lots of spices to give your food flavor.

20. Calculate the price carefully

It used to be cheaper to buy stuff in a large package. Unfortunately, that has long been outdated. In many cases it is better to buy 3x a small package than 1x a large package. So consider carefully whether you will save money with larger packaging.

21. Check your receipt

One last tip:always check the receipt. You wouldn't be the first one where things went wrong. Check whether all articles have been received, whether offers have been calculated correctly and whether you do not have to pay too much.

What is your ultimate tip to save on groceries?