It sometimes seems very difficult, but you can also save a lot of money on fixed costs with the right tips. Of course you can't change your rent or mortgage, but there are always things that can be done cheaper. Saving on fixed costs most people overlook this
There are really only a few fixed costs that you can't really change. That is the rent or the mortgage. For the latter, you can change it if you save enough and pay off early. In most cases, the rent will only increase. You are actually in control of all other fixed costs and you can make adjustments.
Most people know that you can save on countless fixed costs. Think of switching energy supplier or choosing a different health insurance policy. You can also limit the costs at your own risk in some cases. In addition, you can save on your telephone subscription and your TV subscription by switching. However, there are other costs that are often overlooked, but which can yield savings of a few tens or more per month.
Reading tip:save on energy costs
Many people take out car insurance and never look back. A pity, because there is often profit to be made here too. Not every insurance policy is the same. By comparing car insurance policies, you will find the insurance that is most obvious to you. Pay attention to the conditions and reimbursements of the cheap car insurance and also compare this with each other. The savings can amount to more than 10 euros per month.
Many people have taken out a comprehensive travel insurance policy once and don't look at it anymore. A shame, because a lot of money remains here too. Now that people no longer travel (much) because of Corona, it is wise to think about whether it is profitable to keep the continuous travel insurance. In many cases it is better to end it and close it again when you can travel again. This saving can save you more than a tenner per month.
It is of course very tempting to get a new device every time, but in most cases the following applies:it is better to save for a new telephone than to buy a telephone with a subscription. In comparison, this is ultimately much cheaper, because you can reduce costs per month. So do you want a new phone? Then put an amount aside every month and save for a new device yourself and opt for SIM-only instead of an expensive subscription.
Many people switch to a different energy supplier and health insurer every year. Nevertheless, it is advisable to take all insurance policies that you have under a magnifying glass. Do you really need that glass insurance? If no one ever rides with you in the car, your passenger insurance may also be unnecessary. And there are many more insurance policies that you can check.
In addition, you could check all your insurance policies to see if things have changed, so that you might be cheaper. If your household effects have changed a lot, then it is good to have it looked at. Be sure to do this if you have moved or are planning to move.
Take a look at stack discount. There are countless insurers that offer discounts if you take out multiple insurance policies with them. This saving can easily amount to a few tens per month. An additional advantage is that you only have one point of contact if you need the insurance.
Now that interest is no longer given on savings, it is interesting to compare the costs of having an account. It may not be useful at all to stay with the bank where you have been for 20 years. I know from my own experience that ABN Amro, for example, has just raised all costs again. This means that more than 8.00 euros per month is now being debited only for the expenses. Other banks are a lot cheaper in this regard. The savings per month may not be much, but who does not honor the small…
Many people are members of countless things and have subscriptions to all kinds of things such as Netflix, Videoland, the newspaper, reading folder and much more. Take a critical look at this. Is it really necessary or are there things you don't use anyway? Do you have Netflix for the whole family, but often only 1 – 2 people use it? Then you can limit the costs by opening your account for 2 people instead of four. And there are many more opportunities to save.
There are of course many more things that you can save on in everyday life. Think, for example, of saving on your groceries and saving on the cost of clothing. However, these are more obvious things, while with the above tips you can really save tens of euros, purely by taking a close look at your monthly costs. Yes, it takes time to compare everything, but it yields a nice saving per month. You can then use this money for other fun things.
What do you do to limit the fixed costs and have you ever applied the above tips?