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13 Annoyances Of Adolescent Mothers

Do you have a teenager at home? Then you probably recognize yourself in these 13 annoyances of teenage mothers. From stuff that can't be found to toilet rolls that can't be dragged around.

Adolescents and their brains

It is well known that the brain of an adolescent works differently than that of adults. Adolescents often do not oversee things, which makes it seem as if they sometimes have sawdust in their head. You ask your teenager to do something, he turns around and has already forgotten it. Little things are blown up as if the world is coming to an end and things that are unimportant to us are vitally important. Yet it is precisely during this period that an adolescent needs you the most as a parent. Support in the right way helps your adolescent grow into a fun adult person. And fortunately that period when their brain works differently does not last forever.

13 Annoyances of adolescent mothers

If you have teenagers at home, you will probably recognize the annoyances below.

1. Put things on the stairs

You turn the laundry and put it neatly folded on the stairs in the hope that your adolescent will take it upstairs. Your teenager walks to the stairs and your heart beats with anticipation. Will he or won't he? Unfortunately, your teenager walks right past the pile of laundry that really belongs to him or her, as if it just isn't there. Even when walking up the second, third and even eighth time, everything remains in place. You decide to remind your teenager that the laundry really doesn't go up on its own. With a bit of luck you only have to repeat this 2 – 3 times before the laundry is taken away.

2. The endless supply of toilet rolls

You know you have teenagers in your house when… the stock of toilet rolls runs out faster than you can say your teenager's name. It's not uncommon for a family with teenagers to get through a role a day (at best). If you're unlucky, there's a lot more going through it. Good news:often this is not only due to your teenage son or daughter. Often men also contribute to this (or yourself).

3. Change toilet roll

When you finally have a new stock, hanging a new roll after the last sheet is a step too much for the teenager. Not necessary, just grab what you need. The empty toilet roll either remains on the toilet roll holder or is dumped somewhere in the toilet. Because yes, that trash can just isn't there (even if it's only a few centimeters away).

4. Toilet seat annoyances

This one is especially for all mothers with sons. No matter how many times you tell your son that it is really useful to put the toilet seat down before flushing (or at least after using the toilet), your child is East Indian deaf. As a mother, you should pay attention to whether you sit on the toilet seat without falling through. You can also clean the toilet a few times a day with peace of mind, because aiming is not that easy.

5. Food that can't be dragged on

Where your child leaves it, you do not know anymore. It seems like they are eating you bald. It makes little difference what you get. You turn around and it's all gone. The insatiable appetite of teenagers is preferably satisfied with unhealthy snacks and fatty foods. Because fruit and vegetables are boring and if not cool towards friends. Meanwhile, your wallet has a hole of all the extra expenses to never satisfy your teens' hunger a bit.

6. “Mom, where is my…”

It seems like your teen never remembers where he or she leaves her things. Whether it's something as important as the house key or the coat, adolescents are forever lost. As a mother, of course you keep track of everything (not) and so you hear the question a thousand times a day:'Mom, where is my…'. The why phase of toddlers and preschoolers, but now in the older teenage version.

7. The word borrow does not appear in a teenager's dictionary

Your teenager has lost his charger or headphones again. After a lot of nagging, you decide to make your charger or headphone available. Of course with the emphasis on the fact that this is only temporary, because you only lend it. Apparently an adolescent brain has never heard of the word borrow. You will never get your stuff back, even if you ask nicely (because they need it urgently!).

8. Waking up, what is that?

Once your teen is asleep, a bomb may go off next to him or her, provided your teen doesn't hear it. Let alone the alarm clock that goes off way too early in the morning anyway. You are already up, showered and dressed. A glance at the clock reveals that the adolescent has very little time left. You decide to shout at the bottom of the stairs that it is really time to get up. A short mumble is all you get in response. Only after you have come to stand next to the bed and have woken up the adolescent with 'brutal' violence does it finally start to move.

9. You don't need a laundry basket

For you as a mother, the laundry basket is a perfect invention. However, your teenager has no idea what that thing is actually for. After all, you can simply put your clothes anywhere. It does not matter whether you are in the bathroom or in the bedroom. Take off clothes and do what you have to do. Even a laundry basket within reach won't change this.

10. Convenience serves man, but a dishwasher is higher math for the teenager

Compared to the past, children today have it so easy:in most cases the dishes no longer have to be done by hand. Although you don't have to say that to your teenager, because then you're either very old or you don't understand it. But the dishwasher is an alien project for the teenager. You can still open the door, but organizing the dishes, glasses, cutlery, etc. as it should be, that's higher math. This applies not only to loading, but also to emptying the dishwasher. Moreover, that is not important, because there are still glasses and plates in the cupboard.

11. You can talk like Brugman, but nobody hears it

The adolescent seems to have become one with his smartphone and accompanying headphones. The chance that you will be heard the first time and actually get an answer is almost nil in a house with teenagers. Because yes, the noise canceling headphones block the sound of a 'nagging' mother perfectly. Moreover, adolescents are deaf in advance and they only hear the crack of a bag of chips being opened or the bar of chocolate that you put in the fridge.

12. And you thought toddlers were picky eaters

Do you remember the phase of your toddler or preschooler who suddenly didn't like everything anymore? With an adolescent you enter phase 2.0. Don't even dare to come up with healthy food, because they really don't like that. Rather go to the Mac or the snack bar every day, because those greasy fries, frikadellen and croquettes are all your teenager needs. And if he or she eats, then it is not enough. You should at least have a tasty dessert and a lot of (unhealthy) snacks afterwards.

13. Cleaning up, what is that?

When you open the door of your child's room, the mess almost jumps at you. The entire floor, the bed and especially under the bed you will find, in addition to bags, clothing and shoes, also many empty bags of chips, chocolate wrappers and much more. With a bit of luck you will also see the bank card of your son or daughter that was already nowhere to be found, as well as the long-lost charger or headphone. According to your adolescent, the mess is not that bad and there is nothing to worry about. Or does your idea of ​​a tidy room not match your adolescent's idea.

Reading tip:10 Tips for a tidy and clean house

Despite all the teenage troubles, we wouldn't want to miss them

Life with an adolescent is not a bed of roses. Yet it is a period that we would not want to miss. We see our child grow literally and figuratively into a fully-fledged adult person. And sometimes these annoyances lead to fun anecdotes for later.

Which of the above annoyances do you recognize from your adolescent? Do you have any additions? Post them in the comments below for other moms to read (and recognize).