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Annoying partner; the top 5 annoyances of women

Asking readers on Facebook whether they are annoyed by a partner or roommate and what about it is of course a bit risky. The partner or roommate in question could read this, of course. Yet the response has been overwhelming. There are quite a few people who are annoyed by their partner.

The question has been consciously formulated. It's about being annoyed by partner or roommate. The latter can of course also be the children, but they are rarely mentioned in the comments. Apparently our readers are better able to deal with rarities of the children than of their partner. The bulk of the responses come from women who are annoyed by minor aspects of their otherwise wonderfully loving husband.

Table of contents

Is it annoying to partner, what about that?

It's easy for me to talk as a single. I don't miss living together at all, we always had hassles about the household. There is certainly recognition in some of these annoyances to your partner. Of course I don't miss those socks that are inside out in the wash 😉 .

Tip:Are you in the partner selection stage at the moment? Then select single partners for a little longer 😉 .

Fortunately, they're mostly minor annoyances that most relationships won't break down. Although a single reader does ring a somewhat bigger alarm bell. Such as emotionally unavailable or poor communication…

Glad annoyances in numbers

We received 103 annoyance points, of which no less than 73% was about the household, 14% about behavior (not household related) and 11% about general things. Only one annoyance was about the upbringing and another about the grooming. Good in itself, of course, because I would rather be annoyed by crumbs on the table than have a parenting issue with my partner about Emma.

Top 5 annoyances

  1. Dishwasher not in dishwasher
  2. Leave drawers and doors open
  3. Do not wash in the laundry basket
  4. Socks wash inside out
  5. Linging shoes and jackets

1. Do not put dishes in the dishwasher

Shared place with the next point is not to put the dishes in the dishwasher. A reader mentions another reason that her partner gave. According to him, a very legitimate reason. Hubby indicated that the dishwasher was still full of clean dishes. So he couldn't get rid of his dirty dishes. really?

Not putting dishes in the dishwasher is a serious issue in a relationship. do you do it yourself? Then you can often have it right. In fact, I do it myself all the time. I run the dishwasher once every two or three days. And the first day after it's done, I take things out of the dishwasher and use them immediately. I put the dirty dishes on the counter. And then I'm going to clean up as soon as it irritates me. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's your own mess and your own choice. If I've just cleaned up everything and someone else makes a mess of it, then I'm annoyed too!

2. Leave drawers and doors open

I didn't know this was a thing. How much effort is it to give the drawer or door a little push? Maybe they can make a campaign about this, subsidized by the government. After all, it is also better for the environment if those doors are closed!

3. Do not wash

About 10% is annoyed by his or her partner when it comes to laundry. Wash next to the laundry basket or the problem with the socks from point 4. Or leave the laundry in the bathroom.

I do this myself regularly. I take off my clothes in the evening and they remain in the hectic morning. So I find them in the exact same spot again the next evening. Once every two days I pick everything off the floor and throw it in the laundry basket. That's what I call cleaning up 😉 . I'll start with that. Small effort so that the bedrooms can be renovated very quickly. Or, for example, I throw the dark laundry in front of the washing machine. It is not possible in the washing machine, because toddlers sometimes put objects in it that do not belong in it.

4. Wash socks inside out

I remember this one so well! I even had a whole discussion about this with my ex. They just don't get it. How much effort is that now? So he thought so too. How much trouble is it that you do them just as well for me? Because doing the laundry yourself and operating such a washing machine is very complicated! Even though it has fewer buttons than the PlayStation controller. Don't get me started...

For the ladies who are annoyed by partner at this point. Calculate the following for your partner. Maybe then he will understand! Say you have two children and a partner. None of them care about the socks. That's 21 pairs of socks a week. That's 42 pieces of fabric per week! In other words, 2148 pieces of fabric per year. Which we have to do well before washing, excluding our own socks!

I suggest that we include them in the above campaign.

5. Shoes and jackets not where they belong

Well uh, guilty. So I sometimes do this too. My toddler is much better at this than I am. In fact, she clears it up for me.

Notable annoyances that deserve special attention

Emancipation, gender neutrality et cetera, these are hot topics these days. Responses like 'if I my have the kitchen on hand' give us the impression that we can speak of 'head of household'. And in the majority of cases, this is the woman.

Classics that are missing

We are still missing a number of classics:for example, no one has mentioned an empty carton of milk in the fridge or the cap of the toothpaste. Would the media attention have helped?

Irritated at partner in the toilet

Even the toilet guarantees annoyances. Empty toilet rolls, toilet rolls hanging the wrong way round, skid marks in the toilet. Just to be sure… the toilet roll the wrong way round? Can someone tell me which is the right side 😛 ? That discussion between partners will continue for a while…