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We welcomed a little white cat!

Source of appeasement, playmate for children, understanding confidant… the advantages of having a cat are innumerable. That's why we decided to take the leap with my tribe, although we were hesitant about the type of animal we wanted to welcome. We adopted a Turkish Angora that we named Snow in honor of its immaculate white coat. A new adventure begins!

We welcomed a little white cat!

Welcome to our beautiful Turkish Angora

I confess that I hesitated for a long time before agreeing to welcome a cat at home. Every day, my children implored me to give my consent. But I know for a fact that having a pet is a big responsibility and I wasn't sure my tribe would be able to take good care of it. Moreover, it is also a big budget. Care and food are among other expenses to plan for. It has to be said.

Adopting a cat is not done on a whim and is a decision that must be carefully considered. Anyway, I finally gave in. We chose together to welcome a sublime Turkish Angora that we found in a specialized breeding. On the advice of Mag du Chat, we preferred to opt for a professional breeder, because it is a guarantee on the good health of the cat and on its origins. Reproductions are controlled there, reducing the risk of the appearance of genetic diseases.

My children's best friend

The choice of the Turkish Angora was not made at random. We were immediately seduced by its elegance and especially by its immaculate white dress. It is for this reason that we decided to nickname it Snow. The Turkish Angora has long hair that looks like feathers. Even if he is still small, our new companion already greatly appreciates my children and playing with them.

They even happen to take a bath together. This is one of the few cats that enjoy playing with water. But the breeder warned us. Once adult, the Turkish Angora is known to have a strong temperament and needs a lot of freedom. It is also a cat of independent nature, but which remains attached to its masters.

My tribe on the job to take care of Nuage

I made it clear to my family that this newcomer needs constant care, because being still a kitten, he can feel apprehensive in this new environment. It was necessary to put him at ease and above all not to frighten him. For his diet, the veterinarian recommends foods rich in trace elements and proteins to preserve the quality of his coat. You also need food rich in fiber which will help eliminate the clumps of hair in the digestive tract.

In particular, he recommended that we mix dry food and wet food to avoid possible kidney problems. So go for croquettes and pâtés. A little shopping session on the internet allowed me to get everything this little ball of fur needed for its comfort:litter, bedding, bowl, croquettes, toys of all kinds.