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How to sleep a baby and a small child in the same room?

How to sleep a baby and a small child in the same room?

The arrival of a baby changes the routine of the family. The firstborn becomes a big brother or a big sister. Maybe we'll ask him to share his room with the baby. How, to do, so that everything goes as well as possible?

Contents 1 The arrival of the baby 2 Now let's put ourselves in the baby's shoes for a moment 3 How to arrange the room for a toddler and a baby? 4 Change bed 5 Stay in bed

The arrival of the baby

Until then, the baby was in her mother's womb. The firstborn was eager to see him, to know what or who he looks like. In his mind, he was going to have a playmate very quickly, like among his friends. The reality is not quite the same as his thoughts. He loves the baby, but he just eats, sleeps, cries, and when he's done, he does it again. Might as well have a cat, it's more fun. So, giving him part of his room, the idea is quite difficult to digest. But there are solutions, we'll see which ones.

How to sleep a baby and a small child in the same room?

Let's put ourselves in the baby's shoes for a moment

He too was in a hurry to get to know this entourage, of which he only knew the intonations and more or less muffled voices. For 9 months, he was safe in his mother's womb. From this small group of cells which cling and coil at the very heart of the womb, then passing from embryo to fetus, here he is leaving this warm place in which he heard the voices of his father, his mother, wool. He fell asleep with the rocking of the belly as in a hammock, he tasted and inhaled permanently the effluvia of his mother. At birth he needs to be reassured, surrounded by the arms of his dad and his mom. It takes time to put some distance between the baby and the parents, as if instead of cutting the umbilical cord, we were lengthening it little by little.

Putting some time for the baby to sleep in another room is really very important for all family members.

The eldest takes the time to get to know his little brother or sister. The baby needs care at night for a few months, and keeping him in the parents' room is the most practical way, especially if he is breastfed. It's a real gain in sleep, the mother wakes up much more rested than if she had to get up in the middle of the night to run around, look for baby in the room, bottle-feed in the kitchen, change the cucul, before singing a little lullaby to put him to sleep.

Namely, that the children do not wake each other up at night by noises emanating from the other. These noises are natural, and they integrate them very easily. So the problem is not the noise level.

How to arrange the room for a toddler and a baby?

Several solutions are available to you depending on the relationship between the children.
It takes some time for the big one to agree to share this room which, in the end, is his to begin with. It was decorated for him, or for her.

If you opt for co-sleeping for the first few months, you can minimize the costs for the baby's bed in the room, at first, by keeping it in a bassinet placed on an armchair right next to the bed. It is very comfortable and in addition, as the baby easily touches the walls, he feels safe. He smells the smell of his mother and that of milk, he hears her breathing and her movements, he is calm even if he is not sleeping. You can also invest in a real co-sleeping bed that you hang on the parents' bed for the first 3 to 6 months of baby's life.

How to sleep a baby and a small child in the same room?

Change bed

During this time, the eldest must be prepared for the fact that his room will be shared. Why wouldn't he give the baby his bed, and get him a bigger one? He can even choose the color.

Baby will be in the little bed, maybe repainted, maybe varnished, but the work will be done with the child. He can choose stencils or stickers. And why not write his name on it, and the name in a smaller one, of the person who gave it?

  • A princess bed, car, truck, cabin , purchased or homemade. There you have it, a great way to thank the child for sharing their room or donating their crib. And he, meanwhile, is making a dream come true!
  • Bunk beds ? It seems early, but the baby does not have to sleep there yet. On the other hand the big one, yes, and according to his maturity he can choose to sleep upstairs or downstairs, while waiting for the baby to come and sleep on the lowest floor when he is at least 12 months old. There are very good quality beds, with very good wood at affordable prices, it is better not to deprive yourself of it, it can last for years. If in addition there is a slide to go down, there is no risk of falling from the ladder at night. (The top bunk is often “no go” for children under 6 years old, but many of them are able to sleep there long before, it’s just a matter of insurance).
  • There are bunk beds but staggered They are superimposed in “L”, they can be hung or not. If they are completely independent, just avoid raising the lower one until the baby grows a little, and install a tatami instead, on which you will put a good mattress. The size of the tatami does not matter, it can be large and take up all the space under the upper bed, it will serve as a place to play, or small, and then a desk can be placed next to it, so that the most great draw.
  • The mid-high bed , with a desk or just storage, can also be a good solution. It is not very high, and the steps can be in steps or steps. The bed does not have to touch the wall, you can arrange the beds as you wish. However, a small flashlight close at hand is useful for getting up at night.

Keep in bed

Of course, if you have invested in a convertible bed, or if the child really does not want to part with his little cot, you have to buy another one for the newborn. This bed can be used in the master bedroom for the first few months. But the eldest can help decorate it. We can later make them choose bunk beds, twins, pull-out beds, depending on the size of the room and their desire. There are bunk beds that can be separated into twin beds. It will therefore be possible, later, to each have their own room while keeping their bed and easily find ideas for decorating the baby's room ( Cribs are easily recyclable into benches.