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How to choose your wedding caterer?

How to choose your wedding caterer?

Less glamorous than the choice of the dress, less exciting than that of the alliance, the choice of the caterer is nevertheless an important step for a successful wedding evening. Whether chic, rustic or in a small group, your wedding looks like you and the meal will have a crucial place in the success of this event placed under the sign of love, sharing and celebration. Arriving in the first things to organize with the choice of location and entertainment, the caterer also brings its share of questions and stress:how and when to find a trusted person or brand? For what budget? How to choose a menu that will be unanimous with all the guests? So many questions that bride and groom are asking at a time when the culinary world is booming and where caterers and reception organizers are multiplying and offering a multitude of possibilities according to the desires of their customers.

Contents 1 Choose your service provider 2 Choose the menu 2.1 On what criteria did you choose your wedding caterer? 2.2 And how did you find it!

Choose your service provider

Some reception venues already collaborate with caterers, this ensures them a quality service with a service provider with whom they are used to working, it is up to you to personalize the menu and discuss the different offers it offers. On our side, it was super fast

How to choose your wedding caterer?

If this is not your case, the best way to find a trusted caterer is word of mouth:family, friends can advise you, internet directories and blogs are also an excellent way to find the one that suits you. , and remember to look at the reviews!
Doing it 8 to 10 months before the big day is ideal, once of course your guest list is finalized, in order to have the choice, the best being always reserved first! Once your choice has been made on a few service providers, the first contact is generally made by telephone, this is an opportunity to ask questions and see if the person is familiar with their menu and the services offered. Then place the comparison of the quotes, do not hesitate to peel them with a magnifying glass! This is followed by the organization of the meeting, the moment when you have to adapt your budget with the service provider and finally place the test menu, if the tasting is the most important, it is also necessary to have an overview of the presentations offered. for different wedding dishes

Choose menu

How to choose your wedding caterer?

Between vegetarians, carnivores, children and everyone's preferences, it is difficult to set a menu that will delight the taste buds of all guests, this is where the caterer can help and advise you.
Would your wedding have a theme? You can adapt your menu to this one. Choose a table service or a buffet? The buffet (less expensive than table service) solves problems of preference since there is generally something for everyone and gives a friendly atmosphere while the service will be more elegant. As far as possible try to find out if a guest has no particular allergy and to respect the ethical and religious mores of each person by providing a second menu or an alternative dish. Meat or fish ? A fish dish is risky, not everyone likes it, the meat is a safe bet, but be careful with the cooking and the quality of the service! During your interview with the caterer, also remember to find out about the freshness of the products and their origins.
Choosing your caterer and the menu for your wedding is not an easy task, with around 30% of the budget devoted to it, the choice is difficult. In a country champion of gastronomy the pressure is even stronger there, finding the rare pearl takes time, a good budget but for one of the most beautiful days of your life it is worth spending time on it!

Our reception hall imposed it on us, so the choice was easy! But in view of all the opinions on the chef on Google, on, etc., we were rather calm! This was confirmed during our test meal!!


Based on what criteria did you choose your wedding caterer?

And how did you find it!