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Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

Bride and groom, I'm not teaching you anything if I tell you that a wedding takes time and that you shouldn't do it at the last minute. In this article I will tell you about the deadlines to respect for the entire preparation of the wedding but also the maximum deadlines for each service provider.

Contents 1 Here are some tips for preparing for your wedding! 2 Maximum deadlines for each service provider 2.1 Reception hall 2.2 Caterer 2.3 The wedding dress 2.4 Town hall (and church if religious wedding):2.5 Photographer 2.6 The evening host/DJ 2.7 The florist and the decoration of the room 2.8 Announcements 2.9 Wedding rings 2.10 Gentleman's suit 2.11 Hairstyle/makeup 2.12 Do you have any other tips for future brides? 2.13 Share them in the comments!

This article is a small dedication to a couple of friends who are getting married this summer! 🙂

Here are some tips for preparing for your wedding!

Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

After the marriage proposal, a date must be set. Yes, but when ? First you need to know what type of wedding you want to achieve, is it a small wedding or a big wedding? Depending on this, the date will be more or less close to your marriage proposal. It may be that even for a small wedding you want to plan well in advance. In the same way, make a guest list which will allow you to know what type of room, what caterer... you need.

So it's up to you to set a wedding date! As a general rule, a wedding is organized 1 year or even 2 years in advance so as to have time to compare the providers and to have those you want, since you must suspect it, the providers block their date as soon as 'they have the request from future bride and groom.

Each service provider has an agenda with dates that they block as requests arise. This is why going ahead allows you to have more chances of obtaining the service providers you covet, in addition to being able to spread the payments over a longer period since most of the time it is not requested only installments to block the date.

Don't stress if you have less than a year to organize your wedding, it's doable and you can find solutions with the different providers.

Maximum time for each service provider

Each service provider has its manufacturing deadlines or a minimum period to reserve it. Here are the deadlines for each service provider (the different service providers are indicated in the order in which you should book):

Reception room

Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

The reception hall is the first thing to book (after validating the wedding date, of course!). The rooms are reserved 1 year in advance and even 2 years for the most popular. If you want a specific place for your wedding, do not wait until the last moment to book it since other bride and groom may have been faster than you. Do not forget that choosing a reception hall takes time, since you will have to do the research, the first contacts (calls or e-mails), waiting for a response, visits...


L caterers often have dates already blocked by the bride and groom, receptions for birthdays, baptisms... You must therefore contact those you have chosen as soon as you know the date of your wedding. You don't have to book them a year before the wedding but 11 months before to be sure of having the caterer of your dreams. Do not forget to contact him the number of your guests for quotes. Sometimes the caterers are already working in collaboration with the venue.

The wedding dress

Yes, the wedding dress of your dreams is to be found and validated at least 10 months before your wedding so that you are zen! The wedding dress providers will take your measurements in order to readjust the chosen dress and prepare it. Last minute touch-ups are usually done a month or two before the wedding. Do not hesitate to visit different wedding dress stores.

Town hall (and church if religious wedding):

you have to remember to book the town hall at least 9 months before D-Day and especially if you are getting married in big cities. For the church, you must meet the priest or the parish priest in the same period. To know a little more about religious weddings, see this article.


Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

the photographer is to be reserved between 9 and 8 months before your wedding. Photographers are in high demand since they not only celebrate weddings but also birthdays, baptisms, bachelor parties and studio photo shoots. Professional photographers use professional equipment which allows you to have very good quality souvenir photos. Do not hesitate to contact several of them in order to see their work carried out by each one.

The evening entertainer/DJ

The DJ is the only person who is responsible for the atmosphere of your wedding. It must therefore be chosen with great care. You will discuss with him the atmosphere you want to have on D-Day and what you do not want. You will organize the evening with him so that he knows what music to put on at the start of the evening, during meals or at the end of the evening. The whole evening will be seen with him. Take the time to watch all the DJs and validate the one you will have at your wedding 8 months before the date.

The florist and the decoration of the room

Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

From 7 months before the wedding start thinking about what you want for decoration and floral decoration. You can visit sites like Pinterest to get ideas and/or meet florists or decorators and see what they have to offer.

So here we are 6 months before the wedding, you are halfway there! So we continue with the next providers.


Now that you have chosen your date and your room, you must officially notify the guests. Do not send the announcements too early in order to avoid oversights. 5 months before the wedding date, create your invitations and send them.

Alcohol (wine and spirits):4 months before the wedding. Think about it and contact professionals who can help you choose the alcohol you will offer at your wedding. Whether for the reception, the aperitif or during the meal.


Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

shops specializing in wedding bands and solitaires have a production time of 2 months since they make everything to measure. By taking it early enough, you will be offered payment facilities. You can order wedding rings much earlier than 4 months before the wedding. This will give you time to spread the payments and be delivered well before the big day.

Mister costume

Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

Yes sir 3-4 months from the wedding it is also time to spend a few hours in a store specializing in wedding outfits! You don't have to wear the traditional costume. But either way, it's time to get on with it. Mrs. has done a good part of the organization of the wedding she cannot choose your outfit for you!


Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization

2 months before the wedding date, you can start contacting hairdressers or beauticians to talk about your hairstyle and your wedding for the D-Day. Trials will also be carried out.

You can find several service providers on the site, which will highlight the description of each service provider with the links and information concerning it.

1 month before D-Day, remember to check that all providers have been seen and that everything has been validated. Make a list and check that everything is good. Make contingency plans in case of rain or other unforeseen events that may arise.

Once all this is done, remember to relax! Take the time to make an appointment for a facial treatment or a body massage. Plan a little relaxing weekend with Monsieur. Everything has been validated and you have the right to a weekend or a day off from the wedding organization!

On the day try to relax (yes I know it will be easier said than done D). You can't plan for all the unexpected so try to take them lightly to make the most of your wedding. You took a year or more to organize it try to take advantage of this organization.

For peace of mind, you can call on a wedding planner who will help you and suggest providers with whom he is used to working.

Cool Dad and I aren't married yet, but I can't wait for sir to get started soon!!! And you? What is your situation ? Married, Pacsé, …

Do you have any other tips for future brides?

Share them in the comments!

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Deadlines and retro planning for wedding organization