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Bride and groom:Where to start planning your wedding?

Bride and groom:Where to start planning your wedding?

Getting married obviously means happiness but also a lot of stress when you think about the preparations, the reception hall, the announcements, the caterer... Don't panic, we are here to guide you in order to plan this big day so important.

Contents 1 The budget:2 The place of reception:3 The choice of service providers:4 The choice of decoration:5 The choice of the wedding dress:

The budget:

The budget is an important step before starting, define your budget with your future spouse. It is also important to agree on what you want to spend on the various preparations. To make it easier for you, there are different cost simulators to have an overall view of the cost of your wedding.

The place of reception:

After having fixed your budget, it is time to choose the place of reception, it is a crucial step because it is this place which will determine the style as well as the atmosphere of your wedding. It is even more important because this choice of reception venue will also depend on the date of your wedding.

The choice of service providers:

One of the most complicated steps is the choice of service providers. Whether it's the photographer, the caterer, the florist, you want them to live up to your expectations and above all to respect your desires. But you no longer know where to turn between the recommendations of your relatives or certain opinions on the internet.

There are then specialized sites where you can find the different recommendations given by real brides or you can also trust a wedding planner to be more serene during your preparations.

The choice of decoration:

You have found the ideal reception venue, it is time to choose the wedding decoration (balloons, table runner, flowers, chair cover, easel, table number, ribbons, lantern and paper lantern, etc.). But be careful not just any decoration, the decoration that suits you. If you seem hesitant, do not hesitate to surf the net to find inspiration for your wedding.

Bride and groom:Where to start planning your wedding?

The choice of wedding dress:

You've been waiting for it for a long time, you've probably imagined it, even dreamed it. Today is the long-awaited day, the choice of the dress! It is essential to choose your dress according to your budget of course but also according to your style. Do not hesitate to get inspired on Pinterest or on blogs specializing in weddings in order to select a certain style of dress that you would like. Whether it's a designer dress or a ready-to-wear dress, there are very beautiful models at all prices, it's all about working from the heart. Above all, don't rush, take the time to choose the one you need.

Another little trick so that it is not a mad rush, you can make a retro planning which allows you to organize your wedding without stress.

And There you go ! Now that we've given you all the tips, you can plan your wedding like a pro!