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Evolutionary room for baby?

Evolutionary room for baby?

And if you opt for a complete evolutionary room for your baby?

Contents 1 And if you opted for a complete evolutionary room for your baby? 2 A complete upgradeable bedroom means more safety and comfort for your child 3 The upgradeable baby bedroom, a solution adapted to the needs of parents 4 With the upgradeable baby bedroom, you spend a lot less 5 A complete upgradeable bedroom, to make your children happier 5.1 And you, what do you think? 5.2 Did you know the concept or not at all?

That's it ! the news has come. You will soon welcome your future baby! If this is your first child, the decisions will be even longer and not taken lightly. You will spend time thinking about how to properly arrange your future baby's room to create "THE" cocoon so much desired and adapted to its proper development.

Which baby furniture to choose? We all want something design, robust that lasts over time. And why not a complete evolutionary baby room .

On the market, there is a wide choice of baby furniture, choosing the right one can be a difficult task... So discover the reasons why some parents have opted for a complete evolutionary room for your baby.

A complete evolving room means more safety and comfort for your child

The evolving room concept is one of the most suitable, if not THE most suitable, for the development of your newborn, from his first months to childhood.

The bed is where your newborn will spend most of their days. It must therefore represent a cozy and safe nest for him, so that he can grow up in a healthy and warm environment. Did you know that a bed that is too big could be dangerous for a newborn? In the same way, as he grows and the bed becomes too small, your child feels less and less comfortable.

You can very easily adapt the bed of the complete evolving baby room to the size of your child to avoid any disappointment. Apart from the bed, the whole bedroom evolves according to the size and growth of the child. The latter therefore becomes very easily autonomous.

The evolving baby room, a solution adapted to the needs of parents

If for children, the evolving room is a comfortable solution, for parents, it is magical! Imagine, you no longer need to bend down to pick up your baby or put him to bed, or even change his diapers, … The room also adapts to YOU. No more back pain and wasted time...

The baby's room grows at the same time as him? The furniture bought at birth follows him throughout his childhood, for several years, in an evolutionary and intelligent way! This is the goal of the Lit'bellule room, a complete and scalable baby room from the French brand Rêves de Libellule, made with ecological materials and respecting safety standards,

On top of that, with a complete scalable bedroom, you optimize the use of space. It is an all in one solution. Changing table, boxes, drawers, shelves, etc. are found in the same place.

With the evolving baby room, you spend much less

Although the cost of a complete evolutionary baby room may seem high at purchase, it is a very economical option in the long term. Keep in mind that newborn babies grow very quickly.

Your baby won't be a baby for very long. Instead of renewing the bed, the cupboards, the desk and everything that goes with it each time, you keep the same furniture until its adolescence.

A complete evolving room, to make your children happier

The complete evolving room for babies has been designed to make parents and children happy. Are you wondering if it could be a hindrance to the development of the child's mind? Because the latter at a certain age, aspires to more novelty, and becomes more curious.

A complete evolutionary room is very easily modular. You can just in a few movements, renew your child's room, and this as many times as you want.

So feel free to redevelop as you wish.

Evolutionary room for baby?

Evolutionary room for baby? Evolutionary room for baby?

You now have the perfect solution to welcome your little one and allow him to grow in a setting adapted to his needs.

In short, you will have understood, I find the idea super nice from dream of dragonfly. I haven't had the opportunity to test his products "in real life" but I like the concept!


And you, what do you think?

Did you know the concept or not at all?