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Metamorphosis from a nursery to a teenage room for a girl

I think they are the best projects to tackle at home. Metamorphoses. I prefer to mess around in the house every day and change something every time. Even a small adjustment can make me happy, do you recognize that? The same goes for changing the children's bedrooms. And it was high time this time. Lotte's room underwent a metamorphosis from a nursery to a teenage room for a girl. I'll show you what we've done, and I'll also give you tips to make the metamorphosis go as smoothly as possible.

Table of contents

Teen room girl; from nursery to teenage room

First of all, Lotte has had a new mattress for a while now. You can actually no longer call it a children's mattress, the mattress has a doubter size. It is very handy to have a girlfriend staying with you almost every weekend. But the rest of her room was still the furniture from years ago. She had wanted something different for ages, but I didn't quite have an idea of ​​what would be smart with this large mattress in terms of layout. Sometimes it is good to let the space sink in for a while before you rush into buying everything (tip 1).

So it has been a mess in her room for a while. And that was putting it mildly, actually she couldn't turn her ass. But in the past few weeks we were on a roll and we have transformed from nursery to teenage room. This is how it looked for the last few months…

New wardrobe for a teenage room look

Of course you can look for complete teenage rooms if you want, but we shopped 'everywhere and nowhere' to put together a nice room yourself. The only thing we now have to look for are custom-made roller blinds and then it is finished.

The cabinet is from IKEA. It's actually two cabinets side by side. I hoped to be done with one cupboard, but there was not enough storage space, hence the second cupboard. The cupboard in the corner against the wall has sliding doors so that there is still enough space between the bed and the door. Her clothes are in that closet and the other closet is full of games, toys, and craft supplies. The cabinets are from the Galant series, actually they are filing cabinets, but since Lotte is not a dress girl after all, she does not need a hanging area at all and these cabinets are perfectly usable as a wardrobe! Because all the walls of my girl's teenage room are white, we opted for black cabinets.

The white chest of drawers you see on the right in the photo is also one from IKEA. All those late ones…. super handy! They also guarantee a mess in the drawers, but you don't see that 😉 .

Teen room girl; the accessories

With nice accessories you can come a long way with a teenage girl's room. Lotte was very happy with her duvet, which comes from the Hema, the heart on the wall for all the Squishies and the zebra rug and antlers. In addition, in addition to black and white, a little color also works very well, and I also succeeded very well with the Hema. Below you will find the specific accessories:

  • Wooden heart and chest of drawers desk- Action
  • Duvet cover – Hema
  • Mint green boxes and panther on desk – Hema
  • Rug and antlers – Children's Company

Lotte made the beautiful graffiti plate that hangs above the bed at a children's party and the laundry basket that can just be seen above in the corner, it came from VTwonen.

Mirror for the teenage girl's room

I don't know about you guys, but this girl's teenage room really needed a mirror. Incidentally, the mirror is the only thing that is not in color at the moment, but that is not without reason.

The mirror comes from my parents. And it's the most special piece in my girl's teenage room. We've been busy clearing out my dad's apartment lately. After his death, it has to be completely emptied to be rented out again. I can tell you an entire project, but more about that later.

We have a lot of stuff that we couldn't part with. So we divided them all. Fortunately, I come from a family of four children, otherwise my house would have been completely full.

Anyway, we would like to paint the mirror black, but for now it will remain that way for a while.

Homemade desk for Lotte

I've searched town and country for a suitable desk but haven't been able to find anything. Either the desk wasn't the right size, or we just didn't like it enough for her teenage bedroom. In the end, we made this desk ourselves and I will soon explain how simple it is to make a desk for a teenage room yourself (tip 2).