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Helping children in the household

Help children in the household. In some countries it is not accepted, in other countries children have to work hard in the household from an early age, whether or not in combination with babysitting little brothers/sisters.

Children in the household:child labour

For centuries, household was the woman's sole right. The nobility or those who had more money than the average person could afford a housekeeper to do all the household work. In many cases these were young unmarried women aged from 7-8 years. These girls had to do all the heavy work in the household.

This did not take into account the fact that a child was still developing and the body was not made for the heavy work. No, it was hard work. Often such a working day also lasted 10-14 hours. There was not much time to rest in between. Not to mention the food and drink that such a child was given. Pay for work was also not included:the children received a meager wage for the many and long work. The wages had to be handed in at home as a contribution for the large family (family planning was only reserved for the rich and information was of course completely lacking).

Once the child was old enough and the girl was able to marry, she soon had her own hands full with a family of her own. So slavery did not only take place abroad, but certainly also just in Europe among the white population, with their own people.

Abolition of child labour

Over time, circumstances changed a bit. Once child labor was abolished by law and children were obliged to go to school (regardless of background and origin, which was almost impossible until the 19th century), children were no longer used to do the household outside the home.

However, this did not mean that children were completely released from their obligations. On the contrary, the children often had to take on the work of their mother at home after school, because she now more often went to work outside the home (mainly in the household). Also, the families were still quite large and smaller brothers and sisters had to be looked after. At that time, the rule was especially important:the only right of a woman is the kitchen sink. A statement that would make many women's hair stand on end these days.

Emergence of women's emancipation

From the twentieth century, everything would accelerate, especially with the outbreak of two world wars within a few years. In the second world war we see that women are forced to do other work. Men have to (temporarily) disappear from life, whether or not forced, to fight for the fatherland or to go into hiding.

After the Second World War, the woman no longer wants to relinquish these acquired freedoms to work outside the home. A precursor to the emancipation of women soon emerged. This manifests itself, for example, in wearing different clothes. Women are now also wearing pants instead of just skirts and dresses. Moreover, women are starting to stand up for themselves more. After the war, children can go to school again and are less and less busy with the household.

In the 1970s, women's emancipation completely exploded. Women demand the same rights as men. Soon the kitchen counter is no longer a woman's only right. With the advent of all kinds of contraceptives, families are also getting smaller, which means that households are also getting smaller. More and more women are working outside the home and children are being made more and more aware of their commitment to school.

The so-called domestic science schools for girls of the early 1950s are rapidly disappearing. Girls are now well educated and doing exceptionally well in school. And so the girls growing up have to learn everything about the household from their mother or just by trying it out.

The modern household

Today, doing household chores is still an unavoidable chore. Usually done by the woman in the house, with or without the help of the partner. Nevertheless, household chores are now a lot easier than before. Everyone has access to all kinds of modern tools, which makes household work not only easier, but also faster.

Children spend most of the day at school, while often both parents work (part-time or otherwise). After school, children often go to after-school care, only to arrive home in the evening. It's just time for dinner at home. watch some TV and then go to bed after showering.

Due to our busy lives, there seems to be almost no room left for the household. Those who can afford it solve this problem by hiring a housekeeper. Fortunately, the circumstances are now a lot better than before. Others have to do the household chores or make up for the damage over the weekend.

Have children help in the household

Therefore the question:should children help or not in the household † After all, many hands make light work. In addition, children learn their responsibilities from an early age and know how to do the household. After all, young learned is done old.

From what age should children help with the household? Or should children not be burdened with (small) household tasks and just be able to enjoy themselves as a child and then learn by doing later? Is it enough for a child to learn to tidy his/her own room? Set the table every now and then and empty the dishwasher every now and then?

I am curious about your opinion on this…

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