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The resumption… flashback vacation without children

This summer I made strong, I cut 1 month.

Finally cut…

Yes, I turned off social media notifications! But I was obviously connected every day, that's the life of a business leader, isn't it? You really never stop when it comes to your business. We always want to do well, to maintain quality service, even in the middle of August.

In any case, this month away from Paris, did me a lot of good, especially since I had started to "rest" in July, with the absence of the children! Oh it's okay. I've never hidden from you how profoundly empty and so good I feel without them. Parental ambivalence hashtag.

I can never repeat it enough:separations are also extremely healthy and constructive. Since they were small, the children have been going here regularly and everyone is happy:grandparents, parents and children. This summer has not failed in tradition:I have recovered happy children, having spent days playing outside, hours in the pool, inventing, enjoying.

During this time, like almost every summer, the Man and I made the truant way to pick them up. Between our first day of vacation and our reunion with the children, strangely 5 days passed? Uh Uh… we got lost! In the mountains, as 2 years ago, it was towards Savoie that we stopped before the South of my baby-sitter parents.

On the program:hikes (tens of kilometers in the mountains to climb, go down, go back up…) How good it was. To surpass oneself, to admire, to chat for long hours, to remake the world, to find oneself. Our cozy little hotel was waiting for us in the evening for a good beer and a gargantuan dinner! We had to go back to eliminate all that the next day in the mountains!

For the rest I will tell you about our two weeks in Corrèze, unfortunately without too much sun... Then our road trip to Ireland from where we have just returned.

So and you? Ready? Did the summer go well?

The resumption… flashback vacation without children

The resumption… flashback vacation without children

The resumption… flashback vacation without children

The resumption… flashback vacation without children