Family Best Time >> Family

"Mom without children" program activated

It's very simple, since they left, I haven't stopped. Nothing changes you say! You still run so much. Certainly. But then not quite for the same reasons...

Not too much change in the morning, I arrive early at the office, because I left the alarm clock at the same time as when the children leave for college. I always make the journey with the man whom I meet too rarely in the evening, it allows us to find ourselves a little and to chat more or less seriously crushed against the other Parisian workers. But in the evening. Stress point coming home, reuniting with my little ones, wondering what I'm going to do for dinner, debriefing homework, insisting heavily on showers and being punished with tablets.

No, since they left, I haven't had dinner at home. A drink to put the world to rights with a girlfriend on Monday. A one man show for a laugh and then dinner with another on Tuesday. A small cinema solo (I dreamed of it) on Wednesday. Well, I dreamed less of the dodgy guy next door who was drinking his beer with his wife and who took a crazy place. Also, I wondered why the hell was it necessary to reserve/choose your place if when arriving someone in your "seat" tells you that it does not matter, that he too is seen to take your place by someone else... uh... suddenly, the idea was to be able to be sure to find a correct and easy place even when arriving in a hurry (understand, by missing the pubs)... and there... you find yourself to move 10 people as the movie begins. This is GREAT guys. Cheer. In short.

Thursday evening, I went to the Kidexpo fair. Yes, I know, normally it's better to go with children since it's made for them. Well, believe me, it's very nice to go there without them too. You can chat with brands, discover new products without fuss and meet blogger friends who are struggling with their tribes. AH AH AH

Friday night… oh, but?? Our dinner having been cancelled, I improvised a TV set (thanks Deliveroo) in front of Netflix:on the Gaspard Proust program. I was warned, I am not disappointed. An indecent cynicism, but an incredible build. Oh, but? So I had dinner at home!!

Saturday, I had planned a nice romantic program. After a family visit, head to the Lanqui Spa for a massage in duet. The one who hurts a lot, but who actually does good. Don't search. And then, I come to the show that you ABSOLUTELY have to go see if you are in Paris my friends. It's absolutely awesome. We cried with laughter for almost 2 hours (yes, even the man known to be very very difficult to convince). The Franglaises in Bobino . Go for it. Really. The troupe is totally crazy, terribly talented. The frenzied rhythm. It's awesome. Oh, did I already say that? The principle is simple:well-known English songs are translated (and perfectly interpreted) into French, often re-arranged, but the texts are exact, no cheating! It's hilarious. Imagine Mr. Jackson's "Bad"... I'm mean, mean, mean mean mean or for a second verse:I'm bad, bad… In the same genre "The Show must go on" becomes "the show must go on" boxed in 1 second. Well, it doesn't seem like much, but it's excellent. Oh, did I already say that?

 Mom without children  program activated

In short, I'm exhausted. What a week. Can't wait for the kids to come home. But not before Thursday. I already have all my evenings booked! AH AH AH