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Marriage and blended family

Marriage and blended family

With the number of divorces which continues to increase in France, it is not surprising if, at the same time, the percentage of marriages among blended families is exploding. Recently, I was the bridesmaid of a young bride who is already a mother of two children.

A very convivial family celebration

As my big sister married her teenage sweetheart for the second time, I was completely at the heart of the event. Yes, not only was I appointed witness and bridesmaid, but I was also assigned the delicate task of setting up the table plan. What's more, I know the future groom very well. We used to live in the same neighborhood. Going to Le Magazine du Mariage helped me a lot in the preparations. The site offers interesting advice. And since the parties were held in strict privacy, only close family members were present.

Besides, we didn't even need to book a room, because the party took place at our parents' house. Accustomed to large and sumptuous receptions with many guests, I really liked the intimate and good-natured atmosphere of the reception. As everyone did their part, the day was very convivial, friendly and warm. A real family celebration as I adore them where we have fun in the company of the people we love. Add to that a succulent three-star menu and great music. From memory, this wedding was the nicest of all those I have attended so far.

How is the organization going?

Marriage and blended family

But if this day was so memorable and unforgettable, it is because a lot of work in preparing the wedding had been done beforehand. And the biggest difficulty was to announce the mother's decision to her children, especially the youngest who had a lot of trouble recovering from her parents' divorce. However, contrary to our apprehensions, everything went well. The trick? From the outset, the parents decided to include the children in the organization, starting with the choice of text and images to be printed on the invitations, the decoration of the table and the room, including the selection of their outfits.

Fortunately, with a boy and a girl, matching their clothing effects was not a problem. Thus, everyone played a very important role throughout the religious ceremony and during the reception. In addition, to show that they formed a large and beautiful family, the bride and groom had placed the children at their side. For me, the most emotional moments were, without hesitation, leaving the church with the children in front, as well as their family photo session.