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Fishing, a moment of sharing with the family

Fishing, a moment of sharing with the family

There are still simple and meaningful activities that are passed down from generation to generation. Fishing is one of these activities. Practiced by passion, by need, or as a hobby on weekends, fishing is a tradition that continues.

Contents 1 A sharing between father and son 2 How to introduce your children to fishing?

A sharing between father and son

Often the passion for fishing is transmitted between a father and his son, or between a grandfather and his son, who in turn will pass on his know-how to his own children.

Fishing does not require a “training” of several months, but each fisherman has his own techniques, which he likes to share. What could be better than passing on what we know how to do to our children? It is through them that a part of ourselves lives!

There are different types of fishing (see wikipedia) but the overall principle remains the same:catch fish!

Fishing, a moment of sharing with the family

How to introduce your children to fishing?

To introduce your children to fishing introduce your children to fishing, it is best to start early. Children from the age of 6 are generally able to stay focused for a few hours for this type of activity. Pack a picnic and plan your fishing trip on a nice summer day. This will facilitate the organization and your children will keep a better memory of this first day of initiation. Plan to stay a few hours but without spending a whole day there, your children will not have the same patience as you (especially if it does not bite that day!).

Of course, you will need to provide equipment suitable for children, keep it simple at first if you are not convinced that they will appreciate it.

You can perfectly combine this activity with games (football, cards, etc.) so as not to bet everything on the fishing trip.

Whatever the case, fishing will leave very good memories for your children, like a privileged moment of sharing with the family, and often between a father and his/her sons.

Discover our other tips for awakening your child when he is younger.