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Mont Saint Michel with the family

Listed as "World Heritage by Unesco in 1979, this tourist hotspot now receives more than 2.5 million visitors a year.

It is also for me one of the strongest symbols of my early childhood. My maternal grandparents lived 15 km away and so I visited the Mont several times. When I was asked where my grandpa and my grandmother lived, since the name of the bled was not enough to locate them, I always added "near Mont-Saint-Michel". This is why Mont-Saint-Michel is a bit like "my" mountain. Yes, I become selfish. It's because of Olivia Moore (go subscribe to her Youtube channel).

All that to say, on the occasion of my mother's 70th birthday, we spent the Pentecost weekend, as a family, at Mont-Saint-Michel, and more broadly in the Manche.

It was the first time for the children. So it was very moving for me. And I'm not even talking about the passage to the cemetery where my beloved grandparents rest...

Crazy bowl, we had a wonderful time.

Mont Saint Michel with the family

Mont Saint Michel with the family

Mont Saint Michel with the family

From our hotel (simple two stars, clean and efficient, despite rooms without soundproofing and dated), there are only 2 kilometers to reach the shuttles waiting for you at the car park (paying) which lead to Mont. From there, it's quite simple, either you take the free shuttle (or the one pulled by horses, but paid), or you walk the last 2 km (which we did, it takes 25 minutes ). Yes, so we made the children walk 4 kilometers one way, and only 2 on the way back. No problem. It must be said that it is absolutely magnificent.

Mont Saint Michel with the family

For those who can – I haven’t done it yet, I will have to try it one day – it is possible to cross the bay on foot (in shorts and barefoot), with a guide. The info is there.

The entrance to the Mount is therefore free (in fact, you pay if you come by car, since parking is mandatory and paid for).

Obviously, to avoid the crowd... (2.5 million visitors over 365 days, I'll spare you the horror vision at 12 p.m. in LA rue du Mont Saint Michel this Pentecost Sunday...)

We show up if possible in low season, otherwise early in the morning or at the end of the day. You can also visit the Mont at night (it is sublime) and even the Abbey is accessible until midnight from July 7 to September 1.

The Abbey exactly ! Don't miss it. Free entry for children under 18. 10 euros full price. Audioguides are available (always very nice for children I think). And the view from the terraces is fabulous.

Mont Saint Michel with the family

Mont Saint Michel with the family

Mont Saint Michel with the family

Mont Saint Michel with the family

Do not hesitate to watch my stories in the spotlight on my instagram account to find out more about our visit to Mont-Saint-Michel with the family and … maybe make you want to!

Parisians, know that it is totally playable to make the round trip during the day. Our host in December did this by taking a TGV to Rennes very early. Then a coach drops her off directly in the Mont car park to take the shuttle. Early night return to Paris.

I love this prestigious and impressive place so much. Do you know?

I end with some links:

practical information
the tourist office of Mont Saint Michel

and then…


Mont Saint-Michel is in Brittany> FALSE

The saying goes that "the Couesnon in his madness put the Mount in Normandy", but in truth "At the time of its creation, it was neither Breton nor Norman:the sanctuary was on the borders of Neustria […]. In 867, Cotentin and Avranches were entrusted to the Bretons. Finally in 933, the Normans, that is to say the men of the North seized it, placing the Mount in Normandy and this, without the assistance of Couesnon”. (Excerpt from the book Guide secret du Mont Saint-Michel – Olivier Mignon – ed. Ouest-France)