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Significant events in the 1980s

The 80s were not only years of freedom, joy, there were also many striking events in the 80s. Think of Chernobyl, Eleven Cities Tours and, for example, the fall of the Wall. Read on and discover what happened in the eighties.

The 1980s were a time when a lot was possible and allowed

If you compare the eighties with the time we live in now, you see a world of difference. Things that were possible in the 80s really wouldn't be acceptable today. Think of things like smoking everywhere, letting children get drinks and sitting without seat belts in the car. Not to mention the items you used in the 1980s that are now completely unknown, especially among the youth. Because who still has a telephone with a dial or a Walkman to listen to cassette tapes?

On the other hand, there was also music that cannot be compared to now. Music that was much more music, had rhythm and not as monotonous as it is today. The music and movies from the eighties were very different. Films and series of course did not have the effects as we see them now. Everything was less realistic, but no less fun to watch.

Not to mention the fashion and hairstyles of the 80s. How about fluorescent colors, leggings, cycling shorts and an exploded haircut? Add to this the tracksuits, leg warmers and mats (neck carpet) and you understand that it was a completely different world.

And that's not even talking about eating, drinking and sweets in the eighties. The candy from the 80s in particular was worlds apart from today. Colourful, inventive and above all very sweet. Nobody cared so much about the dentist, just as about whether so many sweets were actually good. A lot has changed in that area, for the better, but that does not alter the fact that some sweets were really fun.

Significant events in the 1980s

A lot happened in the eighties, both in our little country and worldwide. Events that have partly determined all of history. Events that should no longer be forgotten. Lessons learned from events to prevent them in the future. As you can see, there are many parallels with the times in which we now live, especially in the economic field. Unfortunately, this shows that humanity has actually learned little or nothing and ends up in the same pitfalls every few years.

Significant events in the 1980s in the Netherlands

Let's start with significant events in our own country. A few things happened here too.

On April 30, 1980, the inauguration of Queen Beatrix took place. An important milestone for the Dutch people, because this queen took over a country that was dealing with increasing unemployment, increasing national debt and a great housing shortage, especially among young people.

It is also this period that the Netherlands makes the switch to cable television. Suddenly the Dutch can also watch foreign channels. In 1989, TRL-Veronique goes a step further by paving the way for commercial TV.

Illegal gambling is very popular, especially the roulette game Golden Ten is very popular. To put an end to all illegal gambling houses, no fewer than five official gambling houses were opened in 1985 and 1989 (Holland Casino).

In the mid-1980s, in 1985 to be precise, the first debit card payment took place in the Netherlands. This was done by the Minister of Transport:Neelie Smit-Kroes.

Kidnappings in the eighties were commonplace. Famous people such as Freddy Heineken, Toos van der Valk, but also Gerrit Jan Heijn and even a child are kidnapped. The 1980s were turbulent times, especially for the more famous Dutchman.

In 1988, football fans were ecstatic with joy when the European Champion title was won. That was a nice saving grace, after the Dutch National Team had to settle for second place in the years 74 and 78.

In the eighties, not only were the circumstances different, but so was the weather. Winters were cold and snow was more the rule than the exception. The same was true for frost. It is therefore not surprising that an Elfstedentocht could be held in 1985 and 1986.

Significant events in the 1980s (former) Dutch areas

The eighties were not only turbulent and turbulent for the Netherlands, the same was true for (former) overseas territories. In the early 1980s, for example, there was the so-called sergeant coup in Suriname (the former colony of the Netherlands). The unrest after this continues and reaches a climax on December 8, 1982 when Desi Bouterse murders 15 opponents of his military rule. It was not until 1986 that action was taken against the Bouterse regime by the Jungle Commando led by Ronnie Brunswijk. Unfortunately, this unrest is causing hard times for ordinary Surinamese citizens.

The year 1986 was a remarkable year for Aruba, because then the island received a separate status within the kingdom. This was separate from the Netherlands Antilles.

Significant events in the 1980s worldwide

But much more happened, worldwide. How about the Cold War, which now evokes memories for many people because of the war in Ukraine. Tensions rose again, especially after Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. Inextricably linked to this event is the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. This was in fact the symbol of the end of the Cold War, although this would last until 1991.

Incidentally, it was not only very restless in the east. The war between Iraq and Iran lasted no less than 8 years. From 1980 to 1988, 875,000 people lost their lives as a result of territorial tensions between the two countries. With the arrival of Saddam Hussein, these tensions increased and war ensued.

Another event that many people still remember is Chernobyl. The nuclear disaster of April 26, 1986 is also very topical today because of all the nuclear threats. The disaster in '86 had a major impact on many countries in Europe.

The Pan Am Lockerbie plane disaster will also be etched in the memory of many. This plane crash over Lockerbie took place on December 21, 1988. 270 people were killed. Incidentally, this was a terrorist attack carried out by two Libyan agents.

Besides wars and disasters, there were also other special events. For example, in 1981 the world was rocked by a mysterious and deadly disease that was mainly found among gay men. This was the beginning of AIDS. It was not until 1983 that the culprit of this disease was found:the HIV virus.

Another breakthrough in the medical field was the rediscovery of the Helicobacter bacterium in 1982. Suddenly, people with complaints such as gastritis and stomach ulcers could be better helped by treating them with antibiotics and antacids.

Which events from the 1980s impressed you the most?