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Couple:men confide in the moment they knew they were in love

Falling in love is one of the most pleasurable feelings there is, and while there's no real explanation for it, some people still know when their feelings escalated. On Reddit, the men shared those pivotal moments when they realized they loved their girlfriend passionately. Attention ladies, moments of romance in sight! “We were 16, she was my first girlfriend. She was a pretty little blonde and when we saw each other, we met halfway to our respective houses at noon. After 6 months of dating, I joined the meeting point and when I saw her walking down the street, I couldn't help but smile. So much so that I thought my face was going to split open. She smiled back at me and my mind flew every time I saw her. That's when I knew. It was August 1971, we have been married for 41 years and still madly in love ". It starts with a bang, doesn't it? “We were watching a movie together, she hugged me and fell asleep. I looked at her and saw how peaceful she was hugging me. I understood that I didn't just have feelings for her, but that I had fallen in love », « We were hanging out together and I asked him where he would like to go, his answer was in a thrift store. I had been attracted to her for a while, but when she kept walking the aisles that day with her arms laden with clothes and did not fail to show off everything she had chosen with overwhelming enthusiasm, I realized realize how happy I was that she was having a good time. I understood that it was much more than attraction “, can we read in the endearing comments.

“A punch in the heart”

And we continue to dream a little with a very simple statement from a certain "Cbusin":"When I realized that I was 100% comfortable with her and that I wanted to spend time alone with her. I felt that he was a person who would make the rest of my life better ". Simple and effective, we love it! “When she made the decision to trust me more than her old friends. I warned her that they would start a war if she chose me over them, but she did. It was war. But they're the ones who lost her, now we're married », « It is as if I had been punched in the heart. We were having a drink at the bar and joking and suddenly, BOOM!!! ","When I got sick on Valentine's Day. She left her job early to come and cook me chicken soup, bought me a video game add-on that I loved, and just took care of me. No one had ever been so caring to me before. […] I gave it back to her the same way except that instead of the game, I bought her books that she had put in her Amazon wishlist ". Finally, the prize for the most moving commentary (but also the saddest) goes to the story of “AbsoluteZero”:“ The first time I kissed her, I felt it in my chest. When I went somewhere alone, I dreamed that she was by my side. His smile was contagious. Just walking down the street with his hand in mine gave me the greatest happiness. When someone hurt her, I was very angry. When we broke up, my life fell apart. I had never felt this, and nothing has equaled this feeling since ". Awww… And you, when did you think it was the right one?