Family Best Time >> Family

Couple:an illustrator draws love with everyday scenes

How to account for life as a couple and love on a daily basis? This is the challenge that South Korean illustrator Puuung has set herself. Her “Love is…” portfolio is updated every Tuesday and Friday on the Grafolio platform. Based on everyday anecdotes (she regularly asks Internet users to tell her about “special moments” in the comments and is inspired by them for the drawing of the following week). The result ? Cute, very elaborate drawings, which tell of situations that will speak to all couples, whether it's been a few weeks or several years. We let you discover our selection and take a look at Puuung's profile to see all his works.

A competition for artists

Until September 18, 2016, the Grafolio site is organizing a competition to identify new talents around the world. To participate, you must register on the site and choose a theme that interests you. For participation to be effective, you must upload at least 20 images related to this theme on our profile (which must never have been the subject of a publication), in the dedicated folder. Ten winners will be selected and each will receive $10,000.