Family Best Time >> Family

That's what made me fall in love with him!

Elodie, 30 years old

His smile. The first time we saw each other, at a party organized by friends and packed with people, I only saw him and his dazzling smile! A smile that all brands of toothpaste would tear off! A smile that makes the world around you seem to evaporate and you feel alone in the world! A smile that still makes me smile every time and that fills me with deep well-being (it sucks like that, right? Laughs).

Audrey, 27 years old

We know each other through mutual friends and we immediately saw each other quite well, but in "friends" mode, without there being the slightest spark! I loved chatting with him but I found him too soft in the knee to go any further. At least, that's what I thought! One day, we took the bus together from a café, and then a poor guy started talking to me badly, like that, for no reason. Alex immediately turned around and put him back in his place in a very dry tone! I couldn't believe it, I was stunned! And after his impressive and effective tirade, there he is, casually resuming the conversation... There, I said to myself that he was hiding his game well... And I was right... I saw him clearly when we went further (laughs).

Julia, 30 years old

His crazy side. We met one evening in a bar and since we couldn't leave each other, we spent the night together. But not in the way you imagine! We spent it climbing children's games in a park on the edge of a port in Paris (where we had entered illegally and where he had taken me), singing, reciting excerpts from a play, doing a waltz on the sand…Very wacky, but magical.

Celine, 32 years old

His way of playing the guitar. I know, it's cliché, but it works so well (laughs)…

Emily, 34 years old

Wear and tear (laughs). Despite his advances, I refused for a year for the slightest thing to happen between him and me because he had a crushing side that horrified me. Finally, after having invited me to the restaurant countless times, having regularly courted me in front of our mutual friends, having shown up several times at my house for drinks, he invited himself (again) to a dinner, family this one, for the New Year, because he knew that I was going there reluctantly! He drove 1h30 for that and dropped his planned great evening! Cheeky…and very caring. There, I told myself that I could count on him. And last night, I completely fell in love...and so much the better!

Elsa, 29 years old

When he came to my house one day to "do his thing" and mount my new IKEA shelf. He was NUUUUUL but NUUUUUL! In the end, it was me who had to explain everything to him! But it made me die of laughter to see his look of total incomprehension in the face of the plan (laughs).

Marie-Pierre, 29 years old

His attention. We met one night when I was going to join some friends and -thank my rotten sense of direction- I was completely lost in a not very nice part of my town. Tom must have seen my desperate look, busy deciphering my GPS and he stopped to ask me if I needed help! So, not only did he make a small detour to accompany me in front of my friend's apartment, but in addition, once there, he said goodbye to me with a big smile and turned on his heels, like that, without even flirting with me (!). Class, man! After 10 seconds of hesitation in front of the door, I took my courage in both hands and I ran after him to ask him (very awkwardly) if he would like to have a drink, during the day, in a more friendly and accessible by transport. He laughed and HE SAID YES! Hehehe (laugh of pride).

Aurora, 35 years old

His ocean blue eyes, his tanned face and his Marseille accent that made me think back to my beloved Suuuuud and hear the cicadas!

Julia, 34 years old

His right eyebrow. We met at a party with friends, where he noticed me right away. A man handsome as a god, with a penetrating gaze, a classy look, with a golden job, an incredible life (a friend had briefed me)… So, like any supposed girl, I immediately fled him! (laughs) No, but honestly, a perfect man like that sounds fishy, ​​doesn't it? While I was talking to another guy, Mr. Edward (yes, he's also called that, we continue in the clichés…), approached me, cut off our conversation to offer me a drink. My mouth accepted (my brain went into off mode). He asked me lots of questions about my life and then told me about himself, raising his right eyebrow, which gave him even more charisma. And today, here I am married to her eyebrow...

Jane, 32 years old

His kindness. Ba yes, the bad boys, we're fed up! So for once I meet a man who is cute, simple and above all HEALTHY, well, I say yes!