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Women prefer men who have had between 1 and 4 girlfriends

Obviously, we don't like our man talking to us about his exes at all. But obviously, we are more attracted to him if we know that he has had several. But not too much anyway… In fact, between 1 and 4 is ideal for women. This is at least the finding of a study recently published in the scientific magazine Human Nature.

To reach this conclusion, Australian scientists showed 123 (yes, yes) female students photos of men under which was written the number of love stories they had experienced.

Conclusion:those who have had the most success are those who have had between 1 and 4 romances. No luck for those who have never had a girlfriend (women would find a man more desirable if he has already received the approval of other women) and for those who have had more than 5 stories (and who therefore seem less reliable).

“So we realized that these women were judging their suitors based on the number of their partners, in particular,” explains Ryan Anderson, who conducted the study. In other words:he believes that women, especially younger ones, are going to be more tempted to choose men who have proven by their love CV that they have already seduced and therefore have value...