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15x hilarious differences between men and women

It is clear that men and women differ from each other. It is not for nothing that it is the basis of the book 'Men are from Mars, women are from Venus', but that the differences are also very recognizable for everyone, I find that funny. Although it is also true that despite the recognizable differences there are situations between which I dare to say aloud that the roles have been reversed with us 😉 . Of course I'm curious about your points of recognition when it comes to the difference between men and women. How do you recognize yourself and your husband?

Table of contents

Difference between men and women; 15x at

  1. the hairdresser
  2. ending a relationship
  3. the ladies toilet and men's toilet
  4. the time needed in the morning
  5. packing a suitcase
  6. social media
  7. the place in bed
  8. the desk
  9. the desktop on the PC
  10. how women make choices
  11. how they look at other women
  12. how they see colors
  13. how they see themselves in the mirror
  14. their wardrobe
  15. when they  go out

1. The Hairdresser

When men go to the hairdresser, they pay € 20.00 and you actually see that they have been; When women go to the hairdresser, they often lose more than € 100.00 and you don't even see much difference.

2. Ending a relationship

The first day the man cheers, after a week he wonders what he has done and after a month he bursts into tears. The woman, on the other hand, is in tears on the first day, eats a large piece of cake after a week (or maybe even a little earlier) to cheer and enjoy life to the fullest after a month!

3. Ladies toilet and men's toilet

The row. The difference between men and women is all down to him. Need i say more?

4. The time they need in the morning

When they both get up at 7 a.m., the hubby is 15 minutes later on his way to work, while his wife takes more than 1 hour (if not more) to be completely 'ready' to go.

5. Packing a suitcase

Women start a month in advance, make all kinds of lists, take too much with them, sort everything by color or item and then find that they have forgotten everything along the way. Men? They need about 5 minutes to pack the suitcase.

Read also: a wonderful lifehack for packing your suitcase

6. Social media

If a man does not come online for a week, he has missed exactly 1 message. If a woman is offline for a week, her message box will bulge after one week of absence.

7. The place in bed

A 'fair distribution' in many a bed is 3/4 woman and 1/4 man, according to the woman then .

8. The desk

The woman's desk looks like it's a picture from some fancy magazine. With plant. The man's desk? Keep on dreaming!

Read also: Working girls, restyling my home office

9. The desktop on the PC

The desktop, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Where the man works in a very orderly digital way, a woman thinks that her desktop is some search engine where everything should be findable!

10. How women and men make choices

After a thorough investigation through magazines, social media, friends, reviews on the internet, family and sports buddies, the woman makes a sound decision. Men? They realize they need something and buy it.

11. How they look at other women

When women look at other women, they see what she is wearing. When men look at (other) women, they see exactly what they are not wearing!

12. How they see colors

Men see red, green, blue, pink, orange and yellow. Women see burgundy red, light red, wine red, dark red, dark green, grass green, lime green, light green, aqua, sky blue, sea blue etcetera.

13. How they see themselves in the mirror

Men see themselves as a top athlete with a six pack. Women see every imperfection as if they are looking into a distorting mirror that is magnified 5x.

14. Their wardrobe

Men have a few items that they can use all week long. Women's wardrobes are overflowing as she grumbles that 'she has nothing to wear'.

15. When they go out

Is the woman the one who warns the man (very early) that they have to leave in 1 or 2 hours? At the supreme moment, it is the man who fixes himself 5 minutes before time and is ready to leave, while the woman has to conclude after 1.5 that she is not quite ready yet 😉 .


And tell me, in what difference between men and women do you recognize yourself and your partner? I can say that I recognize myself very much in a number of situations, but in some situations the situations are completely reversed for us. I sometimes joke that I have too many male hormones ... yet after the above I have to admit that I also have a lot of female hormones 😉 .

For me, recognition applies in situations:1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Image used via Shutterstock, source brightside