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Becoming an aunt is fantastic and easy too, which of these 8 types are you?

You become an aunt automatically, you don't have to do anything for that. The big question is:what type of aunt are you? The aunt where everything is allowed? The tough aunt? Or maybe the aunt who doesn't care at all? We have listed 8 types of aunts for you. Read them through and take them with a grain of salt. Because every aunt has a heart that overflows with love, right? And giving love to a child, in whatever way, that's what it's all about, right?

Table of Contents

Which type of aunt of these 8 suits you?

What type of aunts do we think there are? We have listed a few of them. Maybe you are the type of aunt who likes to babysit or does crazy cool things. Or maybe you are the type of aunt that is not listed here! Don't forget to report it, we are curious, what do you recognize yourself in?

  1. The I-meddle-me-everywhere-aunt

'Isn't she too cold without a cardigan?', 'Wouldn't you even call the doctor?', 'Just let him cry for a while' or 'You can't let him cry that long!'. All comments this aunt might make. Well-intentioned of course, but sometimes very annoying for the parents. The change that having a child entails already costs them enough energy. So aunt, bite your lip. Every parent does it in his or her own way. And yes, everyone sometimes gives a young parent advice, but this aunt knows how to stop!

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  1. The I-mind-me-nothing-aunt

You hardly ever see this aunt and you hardly hear anything from her. "A baby born? That's great, good luck with it!' Great for when the family ties are not that strong and you don't click at all, but you should occasionally inquire about how the little one and the family are doing. Having a child is not contagious, nothing can happen to you. You don't have to flatten the door either. In fact, the parents often like a little rest.

  1. The with-me-may-anything-aunt

Children think you are a very nice aunt. "Would you like to scatter all the toys on the floor? Nice!', 'Here, have two more cookies!'. Being an aunt is a party and the children notice that when you are around them. Anything goes, as long as it's fun. How wonderful it is to visit you as a child! They can be themselves completely and do things that they may not be allowed to do at home. But, not completely limitless of course. You will take care of that.

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  1. The I-hug-you-completely-flat aunt

No visit without a hug from you. The children like to sit on your lap. There is of course nothing better than having such a small warm body against you. You prefer to hug them all the time. But beware, not every child can appreciate this! Don't push or take it personally. Once they are teenagers, you often have to come up with something else. Because cuddling with your aunt is then 'not done'.

  1. The sugar aunt

According to the dictionary, the sugar aunt is "a childless aunt that you think you are inheriting." Sounds a bit cheesy, but you are of course that young, enterprising woman who loves children, but is not that far herself. You love your nephews and nieces, spoil them well and do fun things with them. Sleepovers are no stranger to you. And bringing a present for the kids after you've visited a faraway country again is standard for you. The kids love you! And you don't really have to be childless as a sugar aunt, don't you think?

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  1. The godmother

This term originates from the Catholic Church, where a godfather and godmother are appointed at the baptism of the child, with the task of overseeing the Catholic education of the child. You are also expected to receive special care / extra attention when one or both parents die. However, if the parents want you to take care of their child(ren) if they die, they must still have a notarial deed drawn up to arrange custody.

  1. The tea-and-biscuits aunt / oppasante

You are the type of aunt who usually babysits and you already have tea (or lemonade) with biscuits ready in the afternoon for school-age children. Because the children are with you for one day (or more) every week, you have a close relationship with them. An aunt to build on. You stimulate children, listen to their stories and give them tools to help them move forward. They often take advice from you faster than from their parents. You love the children as if they are your own. Nevertheless, at the end of the day they go back to their own home.

  1. The tough aunt

For example, "My aunt is a firefighter" or "My aunt does weightlifting" are statements from your cousins. You are a tough, strong woman. Sporty too. You participate in obstacle runs and persuade your sister or brother to do a family run through the mud with the children. You do cool and active things with your nephew or niece. The children, when they are a little bigger, look up to you and like to go on an adventure with you. They listen with interest to your stories about your experiences in the forest or as a policewoman.

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