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Wishing a Happy New Year, an Obligation or a Pleasure?

YAAAAAAAAAAAA! I want to wish you all a happy new year. Of course I want that, because that's what I want you to too! Not just as a reader of MamsatWork, but simply as a person. But should that Happy New Year do you wish for weeks afterwards? What do you think? Tradition or obligation, wishing Happy New Year?

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Until when can you wish Happy New Year ?

Until when can you actually wish each other a Happy New Year? Officially that's until Three Kings , but in principle you should know that yourself. In any case, Three Kings is always on January 6, so officially the kissing should be finished by then.

Etiquette says 3 weeks

There is also an etiquette that 'calls' that you can wish each other Happy New Year until the third week of January, in connection with all the holidays that are often taken during this period and therefore the absence of people at work, for example. But you don't have to worry about that either, of course.

Personally, I think the 6th of January will be a good fit this year. That is still nice during the Christmas holidays of the children. But…

If you want to enjoy yourself until the end of January, or if you just want to continue until the carnival… who cares! At least, if your environment is okay with that! For me, the sticky kissing and wishing Happy New Year may be over after the first week. Unless one of my best buddies is on vacation and I don't see him until after that, but hey, I'd always welcome him that way, not just because it's New Years.

Happy New Year

No, sincere 'Happy New Years wishes' are of course fantastic, but the whole parroting with all the peripheral matters - against everything and everyone - I don't like that a bit. Why would a simple 'Happy New Year' you throw in the air mean less than a hand with three kisses? I don't believe in that. Certainly not because during a meeting one of the two people starts with it and the other -of course- has to follow because otherwise it becomes very akward!

Who do you actually wish a happy new year?

Happy New Year wishes range from family to very best friends to then acquaintances, vague acquaintances and schoolyard contacts (mostly for the mothers among us). That last group doesn't get a 'Happy New Year' from me anymore, by the way, because I don't go to the schoolyard anymore. And then I forgot the most important group for the sloshing armpits; the colleagues!

Now I have it easy these days, because I no longer have colleagues that I have to 'finish'. Because phew, hey, I can still remember those weeks after New Year's very well when I was still working for the boss. And not just me by the way, one of our bloggers wrote a hilarious blog about it before!

Sloshing armpits moment, that Happy New Year

So now I'm curious. Do you enjoy passing on Happy New Year wishes to everyone you meet during the month of January? Or do you, like me, get sloshing armpits and droplets of perspiration on your forehead when you join a larger crowd where person A starts kissing and everyone follows on autopilot?