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happy new year 2017

Hello little nails! (I dreamed of Marc Toesca)

At the beginning of the year, conducive to sincere/hypocritical/polite/usual wishes (cross out the useless mention), but also to reasoned/untenable/obligatory resolutions, I take my wireless mouse, but perfectly recharged after a break fruitful to wish you all the happiness in the world (nothing for music, it's my little gift to me for you that I adore)

I'm 26 days ahead of the deadline for wishes, so I think I can be awarded a first good point.

More seriously, if it is possible with me, my dear readers of always (or today only), take care of yourselves , of your loved ones, let the stupid and the harmful go away, take advantage of your little ones who grow up (too quickly in fact), share, spin the beating of his life to guilt and make ample room for humor and hugs in your homes. That's what I'm trying to do. Of course, Blaise the benevolent will remain our leitmotif (I studied Russian for 2 years, did I tell you?), but we know very well that Lulu is not far away. (For those who didn't understand this sentence, go read the post)

happy new year 2017

2nd miracle of the day (and yet it's Wednesday, I know, because the P'tit Grand, still in pajamas, arrives at my office to show me his new constructions in PlusPlus every 5 minutes), I started and well done updating my blogroll (2011 resolution). You will be able to discover the blogs that I really read regularly, knowing that obviously, it is only a minimal representation of what I like and that I forget a lot (sorry by the way).

So, 2017…

The blog will be 9 years old next month… following a post from Harmony on instagram, I had fun like her looking at my stats since the blog opened… so we are at nearly 2.3 million unique visitors . THE CRAZY THING.

This time I'm writing it to keep my word, I'm planning something for 10 year olds next year. In fact, in 2018, in a few weeks, the man will be 40 years old (finally), our couple 20 years old (oula) and the blog 10 years old. It's pretty crazy. Some were there at the "5 years" party. It was great and I will do everything to organize something really cool for next year. All ideas are welcome!!

2017 will mark the end of primary school for our little family. I am already preparing psychologically (I am preparing a few cocktail recipes) for the 10th anniversary of the P’tit Grand and its entry into college – in advance…

In a few days, the teenager (I think we have passed the pre-teen cycle…), will be 12 years old. I'm still drugged by the end of the year celebrations, I don't realize too much yet. This year, she wanted to take 1 friend to Disneyland Paris. Honestly, not financially feasible (especially since there are a lot of attractions that she likes that are under construction). She quickly understood (hello maturity) and so I swapped the Disneyland getaway for the ice rink with LOTS of friends. I love the skating rink. Ah yes sorry, it's for her. OF COURSE.

I also have to show you the layout we made in his bedroom, under his loft bed. It's all pretty. I'll prepare it for you very soon.

Thank you again to all (and to all) for being so present, here, on facebook, twitter and instagram.