Family Best Time >> Family

To take some fresh air

Given that the school holidays this year have a tendency to fall a little badly, the simplest solution for this week was quickly found:direction the South. At Grandpa's and Grandma's.

As always you will tell me! Certainly. For kids. Except that I decided to accompany them to also spend some time with my parents. So here we are, in the South, getting some fresh air, my computer, my notebooks, my children and me. Man does not have the chance to be self-employed and choose where to work.

So, I work, because not definitely the activity cannot stop on December 16, but rather on December 23. But I also get some fresh air. Of course, all I have to do is disembark for the Var to be on orange alert (storm)… gossips will say that I'm in bad luck.


WAITING FOR TODAY it was 17 degrees and I felt the warmth of the sun on my face. AND TOC.

To take some fresh air

To take some fresh air

To take some fresh air

And given the context, I can tell you that seeing the children running, against the wind, howling with laughter… watching them jump, climb, drop into the sand dunes… well, it feels a lot of good.

Well and then… we made some friends

To take some fresh air

To take some fresh air

KISSES and have a great holiday season