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Men:is it true that they are wary of our girlfriends?

The opinion of the man from the newspaper:Ray Satou, journalist (above all suspicion) at BIBA

“They can see flaws in us that would have escaped a loving gaze”

Generally, the girlfriends of our girlfriends are our girlfriends. But… it is better to learn to be wary of it. And for several reasons. 1/ The girlfriend can be a pure hottie (like Beyoncé, but in everyday life). As soon as you see her, you want to jump on her. 2/ Beneath their angelic looks, girlfriends often turn out to be demonic. So beware of the little Satans who have fun wantoning our dear and tender. Because being single is like clothes:it makes you want to wear it

by another. 3/ Girlfriends can perceive faults in us that would have escaped the amorous (and super naive) gaze of our girl. As my grandmother (who read La Fontaine) used to say:“Mistrust is the mother of security. »

The opinion of the experienced man:Aurélien Boudier, co-founder of Crazy-voyages*

“They are afraid to see the chosen one of their heart escape them”

Since we send brides to bury their maiden life all over Europe, we have evidence of this fear:a jealous future husband who pretends to be a friend in order to know the details of the program; another asking for the contact details of our local guides to interview them; or even one who explains to us that the bride likes women too and who suggests replacing the handsome stripper with a sexy girl... We never gave in because, for us, only the opinion of the friends of the future bride counts and that, future husbands know. This is precisely what they fear...

* site specializing in bachelor parties

The opinion of the man on the couch:Frédéric Fanget, psychiatrist**

"The man can fear being challenged by girlfriends"

A man does not deliver the same face when he is in the intimacy of the couple. For example, he can show certain faults that he does not want the girlfriends to know. His main fear is that his partner betrays this intimacy. He may also fear that girlfriends will question him:"He is

not for you…”, “You were cooler when you were with Machin” or, even worse, “We are going to introduce you to Truc, a great guy for you…”. Men are less used to talking about their relationship with each other, while women may need more reassurance about their romantic choice. Care must therefore be taken to distinguish between the private and public sides of the couple. The private concerns only the two lovers, it does not have to be disclosed. This is the essential basis for mutual trust. The public face is what

the two partners agree to let those around you see it. If this contract is respected, then the fears towards the girlfriends will be less important.

** Author of “Oser la vie à deux”, Ed. Odile Jacob.