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Men:how can it be seen that they are in love? #3

What do you realize you are falling in love with?

Aurelian. When I'm just in the flirt, I try to put myself forward, but by forcing the line a little. When I'm in love, I talk a lot about myself, but really. I am more sincere, I open up more. So when, at the end of the evening, I start telling some episodes of my childhood to a girl, I know it's because she really touched me.

Joel. When I listen to what she tells me... and remember it! Because otherwise, it goes in one ear and comes out the other. But if, two hours after seeing it, I remember everything down to the smallest detail, there's no doubt that it's already under my skin.

Baptist. When I go from “I” to “we”. When I don't say “Hey, this weekend, I would do that…” but “And if we go there? ". I, who am of a rather solitary nature, the fact that I project myself as a couple, that I imagine us doing things together, is the infallible sign that I am in love.

Jeremy. When I can't take my eyes off me, or my thoughts of her. When I have the impression that I recognize her in a silhouette passing in the distance. When everything, every smell, every word reminds me of her and nothing but her. Love makes you monomaniac, obsessive and compulsive.