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A hug between an adopted dog and his owner goes viral

Dogs are capable of showing gratitude, and Russ, a 4-year-old pit bull, does it in the cutest way possible. Kayla Filoon, a 20-year-old American, crossed paths with the adorable animal while volunteering as a dog walker for the ACCT Philly shelter in Philadelphia. Russ, in very bad shape when he arrived, had no fur on either his ears or his tail, and weighed less than 20 kilos. But his very tough appearance did not prevent the young woman from being deeply moved:“ He was sitting there very calm and looking at me. I thought he was adorable and I had to take him with me she tells The Dodo . And it was the walk that followed that confirmed the student's crush.

A hug that went viral

He kept cuddling me […] He seemed so nice, he didn’t even bark at the passing of the other dogs “, continues the young woman. The next day, Kayla Filoon filled out the adoption papers and brought Russ home. “He always has to feel me close to him. One evening, I was sitting on the armchair studying and he was trying in every way to give me a hug “, adds the mistress, who asked one of her roommates to immortalize the scene. The photo, posted on Facebook, quickly went viral:it was "liked" more than 55,000 times! The volunteer hopes that she will encourage people to adopt animals who like Russ are looking for a little comfort. “He is so adorable. I lie down somewhere, and he comes to put his head under my arm, or his paw on my chest. Sometimes he even lays on top of me she smiles.

A beautiful story of complicity as we would like to see more often!